

Research on the time management model of single radiotherapy
摘要 目的:为减少患者放射治疗等候时间,量化评价放射治疗效率,研究建立单次放射治疗时间管理模型。方法:选取同一时间段接受放射治疗的10例患者,统计其放射治疗时间,解析影响放射治疗时间的患者状况、技师配班和治疗参数3个主要因素,分别建立时间管理模型算法,利用MATLAB软件的图形用户界面(GUI),做出单次放射治疗时间管理模型程序界面并运行。结果:单次放射治疗时间管理模型的建立,能针对患者年龄、性别、病情、退衣程度及放射治疗技师的组合选择,以及是否转床等采用GUI的弹出式菜单供使用者进行直观简便地选择目标参数,仅需数个简便操作步骤即可快速得到针对目标患者的放射治疗时间预测。结论:建立的单次放射治疗时间管理模型可合理地安排工作与治疗预约排程,但由于模型相对简化,仅对放射治疗预约排程和工作效率评价提供量化参考。 Objective:To research and establish time management model of single radiotherapy based on reducing waiting time of patients when they underwent radiotherapy,and based on quantitative evaluation of radiotherapy efficiency.Methods:Selected 10 patients who underwent radiotherapy at the same time.And the therapy time of them was counted as statistic method,and 3 main factors(situation of patients,arrange of technician and treatment parameters)that affected radiotherapy time were analyzed.Time management model algorithm was respectively established,and graphical user interface(GUI)of MATLAB software was used to make program interface of time management model of single radiotherapy,and then to run this program.Results:The establishment of time management model of single radiotherapy could adopt GUI pop-up menu to implement choosing target parameter in perceptual intuition and convenience for users according to the age,gender,degree of illness,the situation of clothes,the selection of the combination of radiotherapy technician,and whether to shift bed.And then,the prediction of radiotherapy time of aimed patients could be quickly obtained in only a few simple operation.Conclusion:The established time management model of single radiotherapy can reasonably arrange appointment scheduling of work and therapy.While it only can provide quantified reference for appointment scheduling and work efficiency of radiotherapy because this model is relative simplification.
作者 艾念 杜泽天 汪文靖 徐业成 罗文 AI Nian;DU Ze-tian;WANG Wen-jing(Center of Radiotherapy,Xiaogan Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and Technology(The Central Hospital of Xiaogan),Xiaogan 432100,China)
出处 《中国医学装备》 2019年第12期100-103,共4页 China Medical Equipment
关键词 放射治疗 时间管理模型 预约排程 MATLAB软件 Radiotherapy Time model Appointment scheduling MATLAB software
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