超细沸石粉是经过天然沸石研磨而得, 比水泥具有更高的细度, 火山灰活性高于粉煤灰和矿粉, 低于硅灰和偏高 岭土。静态屈服应力是水泥基材料一个重要的流变参数。静态屈服应力增长速率经常被用来表征水泥基材料的触变性 /结构构筑,对水泥基材料的稳定性、形状保持能力和分层浇注非常重要。在本文静态屈服应力每15min测试一次,持续 127min。同时进行了动态屈服应力测试。结果表明掺入超细沸石粉提高了浆体的动态屈服应力、 塑性粘度和触变环面积。 在等掺量的情况下,超细沸石粉提升结构构筑的能力低于硅灰和偏高岭土。
Superf ine zeolite is obtained by grinding natural zeolite,which has higher f ineness than cement.The pozzolanic activity of s uperf ine z eolite is higher t han t hat of f ly a sh a nd s lag,lower t han t hat of s ilica fume a nd metakaolin.Static yield stress is an important rheological parameter of cement-based materials.The growth of static yield stress is often used to characterize the structural build-up/thixotropy of cement-based materials,which is crucial for the stability,shape-holding capacity and multi-layer casting.In this paper,static yield stress was measured ever y 15 min over 127 min.At t he same t ime,dynamic yield s tress t est was measured.Results showed t hat t he addition of superf ine zeolite increases the dynamic yield stress,plastic viscosity and thixotropic area of paste.Under the condition of equal dosage,the ability of superf ine zeolite to enhance the structure build up is lower than that of silica fume and metakaolin.
Science and Technology Innovation Herald
Superf ine zeolite
Structural build up