
船舶尾气污染物排放监控系统设计 被引量:1

Design of Ship Emission Monitoring and Control System
摘要 设计一种船舶尾气污染物排放监控系统。通过该系统实时采集船舶尾气中氮氧化物和硫氧化物的含量,并将其转化为模拟数值信号,其中:一路传送至船舶航行记录仪(Voyage Data Recorder,VDR)保存,供后续取证使用;另一路传送至船载自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS),由海事主管机关实时接收相关信息,判断船舶是否存在污染物排放问题,便于其确切掌握船舶尾气污染物排放情况,提升监管效能。 A ship emission monitoring and control system is designed to monitor in real time the nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide in the exhaust gas of ships,and to convert the data into analog numerical signals.One of the signals is transmitted to ship’s Voyage Data Recorder(VDR),where the signal data are stored for follow-up inspections;the other is transmitted to the ship borne Automatic Identification System(AIS)for maritime authorities to receive in real time to determine whether the ship is emitting pollutants.In this way,the maritime authorities can keep the ship under control so as to raise the effectiveness of the supervision.
作者 卓婧 黄晓峰 ZHUO Jing;HUANG Xiaofeng(Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical&Electrical Engineering Department of Transportation Technology,Hangzhou 310053,China;Ship Supervision Department,Hangzhou Maritime Safety Administration,Hangzhou 310053,China)
出处 《船舶与海洋工程》 2019年第6期15-18,共4页 Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
基金 浙江机电职业技术学院(A-0154-15-312)
关键词 船舶尾气 氮氧化物 硫氧化物 船载自动识别系统(AIS) 船舶航行记录仪(VDR) ship emission nitrogen oxides sulfur oxides ship borne Automatic Identification System(AIS) ship’s Voyage Data Recorder(VDR)
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