
印度的地缘战略构想与地区基础设施联通政策 被引量:8

India’s Geo-strategic Visions and Regional Infrastructure Connectivity Policy
摘要 近年来,印度以印太地区为重点地区,积极推进地区基础设施互联互通,逐渐呈现陆海统筹、内外整合、辐射印太的互联互通格局。印度的相关政策调整及实践,体现了其构筑更加完善的内外联通网络、服务国内经济发展的需要,以及其因应印太地缘环境变化、对冲“一带一路”的考虑,而这些动因背后都折射了印度对周边、印太及大国关系的地缘战略构想。地区基础设施联通政策,既是印度地缘战略构想的重要内涵,也是印度实现地缘战略构想不可或缺的手段。不过,印度在推进相关政策时也需要克服政策不清晰、执行效率低下和相关国家参与意愿不高等难题。对于中国来说,既要看到中印地区互联互通政策的竞争性,也需要看到合作面,通过政策对接、创新模式等推进互联互通合作。 Over the past several years,India has advanced regional infrastructure connectivity with a core emphasis on the Indo-Pacific Region.This has gradually enabled it to achieve a wide Indo-Pacific connectivity network with features of land-sea coordination and internal-external integration.These adjustments to Indian policy and practice demonstrate that India is building a more comprehensive connectivity network both domestically and internationally,with the aim of serving its domestic economic development.This further functions to respond to the changing geo-political environment in the Indo-Pacific and reflects India’s considerations around the need to hedge against the Belt and Road Initiative.These motivations are rooted in India’s geo-strategic visions with respect to its immediate neighborhood,as well as the Indo-Pacific and its broader great power relations.India’s regional infrastructure connectivity policy is a core aspect of its geo-strategic visions and is equally a critical means whereby which it puts its geo-strategic thinking into action.While so,India still faces considerable challenges when it comes to promoting its policy,particularly with respect to a lack of clarity,inefficient policy implementation,and low levels of commitment on the part of other states to participate.As far as China is concerned,it needs to see some level of policy cooperation besides the competition when it comes to regional connectivity between China and India.Through improving policy connectivity,and by identifying creative approaches,it is possible to advance cooperation in this space.
作者 楼春豪 Lou Chunhao
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2019年第4期1-23,155,共24页 South Asian Studies
基金 国家社科基金“‘一带一路’建设”重大研究专项(项目批准号:18VDL021)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 印度 地缘战略 地区互联互通 “一带一路” India Geo-strategic Visions Regional Connectivity Belt and Road Initiative
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