Manchurian customs system was the cornerstone for Japan to enter the Chinese Maritime Custom System(CMCS)and to strengthen its forces in it.Therefore,the introduction of 2.5 per cent surtax declared by Beijing Government struck Japanese vested interests in Manchurian customs system and prompted Japan to stir up quarrels and conflicts to CMCS and Chinese authorities.Initially,facing the pressure from Japanese consulates,the Superintendents in Manchurian customs had to release announcements without practical action,but soon they found that the surtax could be levied from Japanese under protest as same as the Tientsin custom.So they went to make some substantial preparation.Under these circumstances,Yoshida Shige contacted with Shidehara Kijūrōfor the declaration solution to those Japanese tradesfolk,and finally they considered the Japanese should pay the traffic separately,which meant the 2.5 per cent surtax should be paid outside the leased territory and South Manchuria Railway Zone,or be paid under protest.That dissatisfied the Japanese merchants and Yoshida.Thus,he advised Foreign Affairs Minister to admit the surtax by consulting Fengtian authorities,exchanging those opportunities that extended the Japanese impeachable economic interests in Manchuria.However,Ministry s vehement opposition,and Mo Dehui s uncompromising attitude toward the negotiation,made the assumptions go wrong.Consequently,the Manchurian customs,except Dairen,successfully introduced the surtax,but with particular compromises since the Japanese pressures and interventions,causing much more tensions in Sino-Japanese relationship.During the grave situation,the Chinese tax collectors improperly levied the tax,comparatively the Lungchingtsun customs suffered a violence by the Japanese and Korean rogues with threat to the Inspector and the Superintendent.Finally the negotiations of surtax between Japan and Beijing Government ended up in vain.The Japanese strikes concerning the 2.5 per cent surtax,indicated that the conflicts in Manchurian CMCS between the Chinese reinforcement of control and Japanese increasing incursions.Actually,The Manchurian custom system was in danger during the period of struggling for tariff autonomy.
Journal of Modern Chinese History
2.5 Per Cent Surtax
Manchurian Customs
Manchuria-Mongolia Problem
Sino-Japanese Relationship