
以身体美学重构生态文化的本体论基础——王晓华教授访谈 被引量:3

Reconstructing the Ontological Foundation of Ecological Culture on Somaesthetics:An Interview with Professor Wang Xiaohua
摘要 深圳大学人文学院王晓华教授自20世纪90年代初就开始投身于生态文化的传播和研究工作,在《外国文学评论》《学术月刊》《读书》《天涯》《上海文学》等报刊发表生态散文近百篇和论文200余篇,出版专著《生态批评》《在现代和后现代之间》《身体美学导论》《身体诗学》等多部。他的作品曾入选几十种选集,被译成多种外文,4次被《新华文摘》全文转载。由于在生态文化研究领域产生重要影响,他曾被《探索与争鸣》《文学自由谈》《深圳大学学报(人文社科版)》《文化深圳》《社会科学报》等报刊选为封面人物或荣誉作者,多次入选中国人文学者影响力排行榜。在下面的访谈中,王晓华教授分享了他建构生态文化本体论基础的思想历程:从最初以个体之爱、敬畏生命的情怀力证生态文化的合法性,到提出主体间性概念并推动生态文化研究进一步深化,再到以身体美学对生态文化进行重新奠基。其明晰的理论建构的"生态学图式",展现了一位生态人文学者的学术抱负和创新精神。 Professor Wang Xiaohua in School of Humanities at Shenzhen University began to devote himself to the dissemination and research of ecological culture in early 1990s.Since then,he has published nearly 100 ecological essays and more than 200 papers in journals such as Foreign Literature Review,Academic Monthly,Du Shu(Reading),Tian Ya(Frontiers),Shanghai Literature,etc.He is also author of several books,including Ecocriticism,Between Modernity and Postmodernity,An Introduction to Somaesthetics,Somapoetics,etc.His works have been selected into dozens of anthologies,translated into several foreign languages,and reprinted in Xinhua Digest four times.Because of his influence in the field of ecological culture research,he has appeared in many publications like Exploration and Free Views,Free Forum of Literature,Journal of Shenzhen University(humanities and social sciences edition),Cultural Shenzhen,Social Sciences Weekly as the cover scholar or honored author.He has also been frequently seen on the list of The Most Influential Scholars of Humanities in China.In the following interview,Professor Wang Xiaohua Shared his thought-forming process of constructing the ontological foundation of ecological culture that started from proving the legitimacy of ecological culture with his personal love and reverence for life at the beginning to putting forward the concept of inter-subjectivity and promoting the deepening of ecological culture research in the middle stage to laying a new foundation for ecological culture on somaesthetics in the present stage.His explicit theoretical construction of the"ecological schema"shows the academic aspirations and innovative spirit of an ecological humanist.
作者 王晓华 朱玉川 Wang Xiaohua;Zhu Yuchuan
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2019年第5期19-24,124,125,共8页 Journal of Poyang Lake
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