
颠覆性创新与换道超车:德国V-2之路 被引量:2

Disruptive Innovation, Lane Changing and Overtaking: The Development of V-2 Technology in Germany
摘要 冲破《凡尔赛和约》对枪炮等常规武器制造的限制,是德国积极将火箭技术用于研发新型武器的动力,也是其不得不换道超车的压力。政府的决策、卓越的火箭技术研制团队的形成、高科技火箭制造中心的建造都成为火箭技术发展的有力保障,从而率先制造出人类历史上第一种弹道导弹V-2。V-2凝聚了一系列颠覆性的技术创新,二战末期美苏等国对它的争夺,再度引起了火箭技术的大转移。本文初步梳理了V-2这一恢宏的历史过程,以更好的理解技术创新之路。 In order to break down the restrictions on conventional armaments regulated by the Treaty of Versailles after the World War I,Germany proactively carried out the research on the new rocket technology and took the lead in constructing the first ballistic rocket V-2 in the history of mankind.The V-2 technology represented the top level of the liquid rocket technology before the end of the World War II.On the one hand,it achieved disruptive innovation in the aerodynamics,liquid rocket engine,development of control and guide system;on the other hand,it helped to accumulate rich experience on the construction of relevant industrial facilities and organizational management.At the end of the World War II,such countries as the United Kingdom,the United States,and the Soviet Union quickly noticed the huge military potential of the V-2 technology,and they competed for German rocket technology,including the rocket experts,rockets,technical materials and related equipment and facilities.Therefore,the V-2 technology was transferred to these countries through different paths,which made it not only beome a base for the development of new rocket weapons in the United States and the Soviet Union,but also lay an important foundation for the innovation of modern space technology.
作者 王芳 张柏春 WANG Fang;ZHANG Bai-chun(Institute for the History of Natural Sciences,CAS)
出处 《科学与社会》 CSSCI 2019年第4期29-38,共10页 Science and Society
关键词 颠覆性创新 换道超车 德国V-2 技术转移 disruptive innovation lane changing and overtaking German V-2 technology technology transfer
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