
基于UTAUT的无人驾驶公交乘客接受度模型 被引量:20

Model of Acceptance of Unmanned Buses Based on UTAUT
摘要 为解决无人驾驶公交缺少乘客接受度定量描述方法的问题,在整合型技术接受模型的基础上,通过使用意向及使用行为探讨乘客接受度,构建了无人驾驶公交乘客接受度模型.运用结构方程模型分析各影响因素之间的定量关系,以及各因素对无人驾驶公交使用意向及使用行为的作用大小.最后将模型应用于重庆市公交出行者的实例分析中,结果表明,感知风险(-0.89***)和个人创新性(0.72***)对无人驾驶公交使用意向最为显著,而使用意向对使用行为起着决定性作用(0.98***),并分析了年龄、性别、受教育程度对各影响因素调节作用的显著差异性. There is a lack of quantitative description on the acceptance of unmanned buses.Aiming at this problem,based on the integrated technology acceptance model,this paper explores the acceptance of passengers from both intentions and behaviors.The acceptance model of unmanned bus passengers is constructed.Using the estimation of SEM to analyze the quantitative relationship among the influencing factors,and the effect of each factor on the intention and behavior of using unmanned buses.Finally,the model is applied to the case of Chongqing bus travelers.The results show that perceived risk(-0.89***)and individual innovation(0.72***)are most significant for unmanned bus use intentions.The intention of using unmanned buses plays a decisive role in the actual behavior of using unmanned buses(0.98***).The significant differences in the regulation of age,gender,and education level on various influencing factors were analyzed.
作者 陈坚 李睿 傅志妍 CHEN Jian;LI Rui;FU Zhi-yan(College of Traffic and Transportation,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China;College of Economics&Business Administration,Chongqing University of Education,Chongqing 400067,China)
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期38-44,共7页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目(17XGL009)~~
关键词 城市交通 技术接受度 结构方程模型 无人驾驶公交 影响因素 urban traffic technical acceptance structural equation model unmanned buses influencing factor
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