

Distribution characteristics of rhinitis patients’ constitution types of college students in Baotou area
摘要 目的:通过对包头地区的在校大学生鼻炎患者进行问卷调查,分析青年大学生鼻炎体质的常见类型。方法:采用王琦教授2005年制定的《中医体质分类研究》问卷,于2018年1月至6月对414例包头大学生鼻炎患者进行现场问卷调查,以及527例健康大学生作为对照,收集性别、民族等因素,初步得出本病在青年群体中的常见体质类型。结果:鼻炎组和健康组的民族及性别构成差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);按转化分值最高统计,排名前3位的偏颇体质鼻炎组为:阳虚质124例(30.0%)、阴虚质83例(20.0%)、气虚质53例(12.8%);健康组为:阳虚质200例(38.0%)、阴虚质116例(22.0%)、气虚质70例(13.3%),且两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);按转化分值达到偏颇体质统计,鼻炎组气虚质最高170例(41.1%),其次为阴虚质169例(40.8%)和阳虚质167例(40.3%)。健康组则为阳虚质164例(31.1%)、阴虚质144例(27.3%)和气虚质128例(24.3%),且鼻炎组的阳虚质、阴虚质、气虚质、痰湿质、血瘀质、特禀质以及气郁质的检出率均高于健康组(P<0.001);鼻炎组2种及以上的兼夹体质达到229例(55.3%),健康组为176例(33.4%),两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论:包头地区大学生群体鼻炎患者中医体质类型以阳虚、阴虚质、气虚质较为多见,且多为兼夹体质,说明本病较为复杂,可为进一步探索兼夹体质的规律以及中医辨证类型提供参考。 Objective:To analyze the common types of rhinitis physique in young college students through questionnaire survey among college students in Baotou area.Methods:The questionnaire of Chinese medicine constitution classification research by Wangqi was adopted to investigate 414 cases of patients with rhinitis by on-site survey and 527 healthy college students as contrast.Factors such as gender and ethnic were collected to preliminarily get the common constitution types of the disease in young group.Results:There were no significant difference of ethnic and gender in the rhinitis group and healthy group(P>0.05);In accordance with the highest score statistics,the top three biased constitution rhinitis group were:124 cases of Yang deficiency(30%),83 cases of Yin deficiency(20%)and 53 cases of vital energy deficiency(12.8%).Health group:200 cases of Yang deficiency(38%),116 cases of Yin deficiency(22%)and 70 cases of vital energy deficiency(13.3%).And there was significant difference between the two groups(P<0.001);According to the score to achieve biased physical statistics,there were 170 cases of qi deficiency(41.1%),followed by 169 cases of Yin deficiency(40.8%)and 167 cases of Yang deficiency(40.3%)in the rhinitis group.There were 164 cases of Yang deficiency(31.1%),144 cases of Yin deficiency(27.3%)and 128 cases of Qi deficiency(24.3%)in the health group.The detection rates of Yang deficiency,Yin deficiency,qi deficiency,phlegm wet,blood stasis and qi depression were higher those in healthy group(P<0.001);There were 229 cases of two or more physique combined in the rhinitis group(55.31%),and 176 cases in the health group(33.40%),with significant difference in the two groups.Conclusion:TCM constitution types of Yang deficiency,Yin deficiency,Qi deficiency are common in the rhinitis students patients in Baotou area,which shows that the disease is more complicated.The study can provide reference for further exploration in the rules of constitution and TCM syndrome types.
作者 王鑫 张连烁 郭向前 贾晓宇 郭甄真 孙嘉仪 WANG Xin;ZHANG Lianshuo;GUO Xiangqian;JIA Xiaoyu;GUO Zhenzhen;SUN Jiayi(Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Baotou Medical College,Baotou 014040,China)
出处 《包头医学院学报》 CAS 2019年第10期81-83,共3页 Journal of Baotou Medical College
基金 2017年包头医学院科学研究基金项目青苗计划(BYJJ-QM201774)
关键词 鼻炎 体质类型 Rhinitis Constitution types
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