A method for gearbox fault diagnosis consists of feature extraction andfault identification. Many methods for feature extraction have beendevised for exposing nature of vibration data of a defective gearbox. Inaddition, features extracted from gearbox vibration data are identifiedby various classifiers. However, existing literatures leave much to bedesired in assessing performance of different combinatorial methods forgearbox fault diagnosis. To this end, this paper evaluated performance ofseveral typical combinatorial methods for gearbox fault diagnosis byassociating each of multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MFDFA),empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and wavelet transform (WT) witheach of neural network (NN), Mahalanobis distance decision rules(MDDR) and support vector machine (SVM). Following this,performance of different combinatorial methods was compared using agroup of gearbox vibration data containing slightly different faultpatterns. The results indicate that MFDFA performs better in featureextraction of gearbox vibration data and SVM does the same in faultidentification. Naturally, the method associating MFDFA with SVMshows huge potential for fault diagnosis of gearboxes. As a result, thispaper can provide some useful information on construction of a methodfor gearbox fault diagnosis.
supported by Shandong ProvincialNatural Science Foundation China (ZR2012EEL07).