火灾对于森林是最大的威胁,火灾发生时面积广,时间长,损失巨大,扑灭难度也高,可以说火灾是森林的“天敌”。火灾是诸多破坏森林的因素中破坏性最强的,它的发生同气候条件、植被特点、人类活动等因素有关。上世纪八十年代开始,随着世界人口爆炸,工业化活动大大增强,人类对森林的掠夺也日益增加,森林资源损失殆尽。非但如此,火灾也呈现上升的势头,1950年以来,全世界森林火灾平均每年要发生一万三千起以上,遭火灾吞噬的森林面积高达664万hm 2,甚至造成重大人员伤亡,给国家与社会带来巨大损失。
fire is the biggest threat to the forest,fire when the area is wide,long time,the loss is huge,it is difficult to extinguish,can be said that fire is the"natural enemy"of the forest.Fire is the most destructive of many factors that destroy forests,and its occurrence is related to climatic conditions,vegetation characteristics,human activities and other factors.[1]since the 1980s,with the explosion of world population and the great increase of industrialization,human beings have increasingly plundered forests,resulting in the depletion of forest resources.Since 1950,there have been more than 13,000 forest fires in the world every year on average,which have devoured 6.64 million square meters of forest,causing heavy casualties and huge losses to the country and society.
Peak Data Science
fire technology
Fire suppression technology