
对基层政权定位的重新认识 被引量:3

A New Understanding of the Orientation of Political Power at the Grass-roots Level
摘要 自20世纪50年代初至今,人们普遍认为基层政权是指不设区的市、市辖区、乡、镇的政权,并把基层人民代表大会存在与否作为判断是否有基层政权或是否算得上基层政权的基本标准。然而,把不设区的市、市辖区的政权视为基层政权的认识,至少从今天的实际来看,并不十分妥当。判断一个机构是否为基层政权,不能只是根据其表面的形式,而应依照其内在的结构和功能。仅仅以基层人民代表大会存在与否作为判断是否有基层政权或是否算得上基层政权的标准,不尽合理。基层政权是设在最低一级行政区域的政权,是最末端的政权机关,是在最基层为民众提供全方位公共管理、公共服务、公共安全的机关,其经常的体现和代表是城市的街道办事处和农村的乡镇人民政府。合理、恰当地认识和定位基层政权,是民政部门做好基层政权建设工作的需要,是加强和改进城乡基层政权建设的需要,是正确认识和处理基层政权与基层群众性自治组织关系的需要,也是把国家政权较为清晰地区分为中央政权、地方政权、基层政权的需要。 Since the beginning of the 1950 s,it is widely believed that the grass-root regime refers to the power of cities,municipal districts,townships and towns without districts,and the existence of the grass-roots people’s congress is regarded as the basic standard to judge whether there is grass-roots regime or whether it can be counted as grass-roots regime.However,it is not very appropriate to regard the political power of cities and municipal districts without districts as the grass-roots political power,at least from today’s reality.To judge whether an institution is a grass-roots power is not only based on its superficial form,but also on its internal structure and function.It is not reasonable to judge whether there is a grass-roots power or whether it can be counted as a grass-roots power only by the existence of the grass-roots people’s congress.The grass-roots political power is the political power located in the lowest administrative region,is the most terminal organ of political power,is the organ that provides the people with all-round public management,public service and public security at the most basic level,and its regular embodiment and representative are the urban street office and the rural township people’s government.A reasonable and appropriate understanding and positioning of the grass-roots political power is the need for civil affairs departments to do a good job in the construction of grass-roots political power,to strengthen and improve the construction of grass-roots political power in urban and rural areas,to correctly understand and deal with the relationship between grassroots political power and grass-roots mass autonomous organizations,and to clearly divide the domestic power into the central political power,local political power and grass-roots political power.
作者 唐鸣 朱可心 Tang Ming;Zhu Kexin
出处 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期7-11,共5页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
关键词 基层政权 地方政权 街道 乡镇 grass-root political power local political power street town
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