
老年人走失及其社会支持系统构建 被引量:3

The Elderly Getting Lost and the Construction of Its Social Support System
摘要 随着我国人口老龄化的快速发展,老年人走失问题日益凸显。老年人走失事件频发,是个体、家庭、社会和政府因素综合作用的结果,具体表现为:老年人患病或经济贫困,家庭照料资源匮乏,防护措施不到位;社区服务发展滞后,大众传媒对老年人走失问题关注不够,老年群众组织功能不健全;社会保障制度不完善,政府管理部门职责不明。鉴于此,应多管齐下,构筑预防老年人走失的社会支持系统,从促进老年人自身的健康老龄化和积极老龄化,加强家庭成员之间的情感联系和防护意识,发挥社区、新闻网络媒体等的作用和寻人功能,完善长期护理保险制度及相关政府部门职责分工出发,为老年人走失提供强有力的社会支持。 With the rapid development of China’s population aging,the problem of elderly loss has become increasingly prominent.The frequent loss of the elderly is the result of a combination of individual,family,social,and government factors.The specific manifestations are:the elderly are ill or economically poor,family care resources are scarce,and preventive measures are not in place;community service development is lagging behind,the inadequate attention of mass media is paid to the problem of the elderly’s loss,and the functions of the elderly’s mass organizations are not perfect;the social security system is incomplete and the responsibilities of government management departments are unclear.In view of this,a multi-pronged approach should be taken to build a social support system to prevent the elderly from losing,from the perspectives of promoting the healthy aging and active aging of the elderly themselves,strengthening the emotional connection and protection awareness among family members,using the tracing function of the community and online media,perfecting the long-term care insurance system and clarifying the division of responsibilities of relevant government departments so as to provide strong social support for the demented elderly.
作者 彭青云 赵向红 魏思佳 Peng Qingyun;Zhao Xianghong;Wei Sijia
出处 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期89-93,共5页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“需求分化视域下中国老龄政策精准化发展研究”(16BRK035) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学一般项目“年龄差异视角下服务行业老年员工工作表现研究”(2019SJA0743) 江南大学基本科研计划青年基金“欠发达地区农村老年人力资源开发利用研究”(JUSRP11973)
关键词 老年人走失 失智症 社会支持系统 the lost elderly dementia social support system
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