

Participation of the Ethnic Chinese Living in Australia in Urban Public Affairs from the Perspective of “Urban Regime” Theory
摘要 澳洲华人具有强大的族裔力量,随着政治素养的不断提高,华人社区参与公共事务,并对其施加影响的条件已然成熟。“城市政体”路径是华人社区影响公共政策的可行路径,通过政体路径,华人社区与城市公共部门结成治理联盟,深度参与城市的社区治理、经济治理和政治治理。参与社区治理有利于消除种族隔阂、深化华人与所在社区的社会关系,形成华人族裔的社会资本;参与经济治理可以发挥华人经济实力,提升族裔经济资本的影响力;参与政治治理可以提升华人参政议政水平,拓展族裔政治资本的影响范围。随着政体结构的发展完善,澳洲华人逐渐改变边缘地位,并可能在社会治理中发挥“关键少数”作用,从而奠定华人社区在澳洲公共政策制定中不可或缺的地位。 With relatively strong ethnic strength of the Australian Chinese and continuous improvement of their political literacy,the conditions are ripe for the Australian Chinese community to participate in public affairs and exert influence on them.The path of “urban regime” is a feasible way for the ethnic Chinese to influence public policies.Through such a path,they can form a governance alliance with the urban public sectors,and deeply participate in urban community governance,economic governance and political governance.Participation in community governance is conducive to eliminating racial barriers,and deepening social relations between the ethnic Chinese and the communities they are living in,hence providing a social asset for the ethnic Chinese as a group.Participation in economic governance can give a full play to their economic strength and enhance the influence of their ethnic economic capital.Participation in political governance can improve the level of their participation in politics and expand the influence of their ethnic political capital.With the development and improvement of the regime structure,the Australian Chinese have gradually changed their marginal status and may play a “key minority” role in social governance,thus giving them an indispensable position in Australian public policy making.
作者 赵昌 Chang Zhao
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期73-81,共9页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 教育部人文社科基金青年项目“当代澳洲华人族裔资本研究”(项目号:19YJC850026) 国家社科基金重大招标项目“《世界华商通史》(六卷本)”(项目号:17ZDA228)的阶段性研究成果
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