
社会排斥类型对拟人化消费的影响 被引量:4

The Effect of Different Types of Social Exclusion on Anthropomorphized Consumption
摘要 目的:基于社会排斥的需要-威胁模型,考察个体遭受不同类型社会排斥(被拒绝与被忽视)后在拟人化消费(伙伴型与仆人型)上的差异。方法:研究一和研究二分别采用真实和回溯性情境操纵社会排斥,随之让被试评价对伙伴型和仆人型拟人化产品的偏好程度,并进行产品选择。结果:研究一与研究二一致发现被拒绝个体更偏好伙伴型拟人化产品,被忽视个体更偏好仆人型拟人化产品。结论:遭受不同类型社会排斥的个体会选择不同的拟人化产品来进行补偿性消费。 Objective: We tried to explore if individuals excluded by different ways(being rejected vs. ignored) would prefer different types of anthropomorphic products(partner vs. servant) based on the need-threat temporal model. Methods:In experiment 1, participants in the rejected condition were rejected through individual exclusion-accidental exclusion paradigm. And in the ignored condition, participants were ignored by Cyberball paradigm. And then we measured preferences for anthropomorphized products by asking participants to indicate their preference for two products(partner vs. servant). In experiment 2, participants were randomly assigned to the rejected, ignored, or control condition. To manipulate these conditions, participants were asked to recall a time in which they had been either rejected or ignored and then to write about that incident, or recall and write about experience in one day in the past. And then, for the anthropomorphized consumption measure, participants were asked to indicate their preference and choices for different products, which was similar to the experiment 1. Results: The findings from the two studies consistently showed that the rejected participants prefer anthropomorphized partner product to servant one, and tended to buy the partner one. In contrast, the ignored participants prefered the servant one to partner, and tended to buy the servant one. Conclusion: Individuals being rejected prefer anthropomorphized partner brand to servant brand, and conversely, the ignored prefer anthropomorphized servant brand to partner brand.
作者 古典 于方静 蒋奖 张玥 GU Dian;YU Fang-jing;JIANG Jiang;ZHANG Yue(Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology,National Demonstration Center for Experimental Psychology Education(Beijing Normal University),Faculty of Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1104-1108,1120,共6页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“民众消费方式与幸福感的关系研究”(13BSH055)的资助
关键词 社会排斥 拟人化消费 伙伴型产品 仆人型产品 Social exclusion Anthropomorphized consumption Anthropomorphized partner brand Anthropomorphized servant brand
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