
花鲈保鲜技术的研究进展 被引量:4

Research progress on preservation technology of Lateolabrax maculates
摘要 花鲈是中国最为重要的经济鱼类之一:产量高,收益好,味道鲜,深受全国消费者的喜爱。花鲈营养丰富,富含蛋白、多不饱和脂肪酸和微量元素,也正因此容易腐败变质。故运用恰当的保鲜技术,延长其货架期同时保留营养和风味非常重要。通过对花鲈保鲜的大量研究进行整理和归纳,以期为花鲈保鲜技术的研究提供参考。至今为止,花鲈的保鲜技术主要为辐照和超高压处理、低温贮藏、保鲜剂使用、包装技术、组合保鲜等。花鲈贮藏之前,辐照杀菌效果显著,且因对花鲈的感官品质影响较小,故保鲜效果优于超高压处理;贮藏期间,微冻比冻藏节能且比冷藏的保鲜效果好,是个较好选择。对于运输过程中的温度变化,保鲜剂的使用能很好地抑制温度变化对花鲈品质造成的损害,同时减少低温保鲜的能耗成本。保鲜剂的发展趋势是生物保鲜剂及其复合使用。充气包装和活性包装在维持花鲈的新鲜度方面也有显著效果,值得进行更多研究开发。花鲈的保鲜技术将会是多种技术组合使用,最终兼具高效、安全、经济的特性。 As one of the most important economic fishes in China,Lateolabrax maculates,with high annual output,considerable profit and delicious taste,is loved by consumers all over the country.Lateolabrax maculates is rich in nutrients,protein,polyunsaturated fatty acids and trace elements.Therefore,it is easy to be spoiled.That is to say,it is very important to apply appropriate preservation techniques to extend shelf life and maintain its nutrition and flavor.The research progress of preservation technology of Lateolabrax maculates in recent years is summarized in order to provide reference for the further research of preservation technology of Lateolabrax maculates.Up till now,preservation technology of Lateolabrax maculates has included irradiation,ultra-high pressure,low temperature,preservatives,packaging technology,combined preservation and so on.It was found that before the storage of Lateolabrax maculates,irradiation was better than ultra-high pressure treatment for better sterilization and less influence on the sensory quality.During storage,super chilling was a good choice for lower cost than ice storage and better preservation than cold storage.As for the temperature change during transportation of Lateolabrax maculates,preservatives can reduce the damage caused by temperature change,which also reduced the cost to maintain the certain temperature.In future,there will be more biological preservatives and compound preservatives to be used.Besides,modified atmosphere packaging and active packaging have a significant effect on maintaining the freshness of Lateolabrax maculates,which needs more research and development.Finally,it can be concluded that freshness-keeping technology will develop towards combined preservation which will be more efficient,safe and economical.
作者 谢晶 盛开 励建荣 XIE Jing;SHENG Kai;LI Jianrong(College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;Shanghai Aquatic Products Processing and Storage Engineering Technology Research Center,Shanghai 201306,China;Shanghai Professional Technology Service Platform on Cold Chain Equipment Performance and Energy Saving Evaluation,Shanghai 201306,China;National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Food Science and Engineering,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;College of Food Science and Engineering,Bohai University,Jinzhou 121013,Liaoning,China)
出处 《上海海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期983-993,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Ocean University
基金 农业农村部海水鱼产业体系(CARS-47) 2016年上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目(沪农科攻字[2016]第1-1号) 上海市科委公共服务平台建设项目(17DZ2293400)
关键词 花鲈 保鲜技术 研究进展 Lateolabrax maculates preservation technology research progress
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