
深层页岩气压裂新型高压管汇研制与应用 被引量:1

Development and Application of New High-pressure Manifold for Deep Shale Gas Fracturing
摘要 71/16"-140MPa深层页岩气压裂高压管汇是针对深层页岩气压裂施工工艺需要研制的一种具有流通能力大(26m^3/min)、承压高(额定工作压力140MPa)等特点的高压管汇。该高压管汇采用大通径、单通道、进液口与中心管汇呈90°连接、左右进液口采用错位设计、排出部分采用对称设置的多通道压裂头为主要结构形式;具有流通能力大、耐冲蚀、减振、排出流量分配均匀的效果。经现场试验和测试,整套装置综合性能指标满足深层页岩气压裂工艺施工要求、安全可靠性高、稳定性优良,具有广泛的推广应用前景。同时,也对国内高压管汇装置设计制造起到借鉴作用。 The 71/16 〃-140mpa high-pressure manifold for deep shale gas fracturing is a high-pressure manifold with high flow capacity(26m^3/min)and high pressure(rated working pressure:140MPa)for deep shale gas fracturing construction process.It adopts a large-diameter single-channel inlet and a 90-degree connection between the inlet and the central manifold,adopts a dislocation design in left and right inlets,and adopts a symmetrical multi-channel fracturing head as the main structure form in the discharge part.It has the effect of large flow capacity,erosion resistance,vibration reduction and even distribution of discharge flow.Through field tests,its comprehensive performance index meets the requirements of deep shale gas fracturing process construction with high safety,reliability and stability.It has a broad application prospect and also plays a reference role in the design and manufacture of domestic high-pressure manifold device.
作者 宋全友 SONG Quanyou(Downhole Testing Company,Sinopec Oilfield Service Jianghan Corporation,Wuhan,Hubei,430000,China)
出处 《江汉石油职工大学学报》 2019年第6期18-21,共4页 Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers
基金 国家重大科技专项大型油气田及煤层气开发(2016ZX05038-006)
关键词 深层页岩气 压裂工艺 高压管汇 Deep Shale Gas Fracturing Technology High-pressure Manifold
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