
CAARC标准高层建筑模型风致效应及背风侧流场特性研究 被引量:1

Wind-induced effects and leeward flow patterns of a CAARC standard tall building model
摘要 通过风洞测压试验、PIV试验和动力响应计算,对比分析0°和90°风向下,CAARC模型围护结构风压、模型背风侧流场特性及主体结构风振响应。①对比了模型立面风压分布及整体风力,两种风向下,模型表面风压分布的较大差异存在于侧风面。相比于0°风向,90°风向下模型整体阻力和升力较小,但整体扭矩较大。②直观展现了模型背风侧的流场特性。两种风向下,模型后部水平面内均出现尾流涡对;竖直面内的显著旋涡仅出现在0°风向。相比而言,0°风向下,尾流涡对尺寸较大,逆向流速较高,周围流体横风向运动剧烈。③给出了模型顶部位移和加速度随折减风速变化的拟合方程,两种风向下,模型顶部顺风向响应与折减风速的2~2.6次幂成正比;横风向响应与折减风速的3~3.5次幂成正比。相比而言,90°风向下,模型顶部横风向位移和加速度随折减风速的增幅分别为0°风向下的2倍和2.6倍。 Through wind tunnel test,PIV experiment,and dynamic response calculation,wind pressure distribution,surrounding flow field,and wind-induced responses of a CAARC model under wind directions of 0°and 90°were investigated.Firstly,the wind pressure distribution and the total forces were compared.Results indicate that major difference of wind pressure distributions between the two wind directions is on the side face.Smaller drag and lift force,along with larger torque,is obtained under wind direction of 90°.Secondly,the flow field behind the model was displayed.A vortex pair in the horizontal plane was observed under two wind directions.Recirculation zone in the vertical plane appears only at wind direction of 0°.The vortex size and its reverse flow velocity are larger at wind direction of 0°.In addition,the transverse motion of fluid around the vortex is more vigorous.Thirdly,the variation of top displacement and acceleration with reduced velocity was explored.The along-wind and across-wind responses vary with reduced velocity to a power of 2—2.6 and 3—3.5,respectively.For wind direction of 90°,the amplification of across-wind displacement and across-wind acceleration with reduced velocity are twice and 2.6 times those under wind direction of 0°.
作者 董欣 叶继红 邹云峰 左太辉 DONG Xin;YE Jihong;ZOU Yunfeng;ZUO Taihui(Tongji Architectural Design(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200092,China;Shanghai Institute of Disaster Prevention and Relief,Shanghai 200092,China;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China;School of Civil Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410075,China)
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第24期122-130,178,共10页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金(51408353 51508580) 上海市青年科技启明星计划(15QB1404800) 上海市自然科学基金(19ZR1421000)
关键词 矩形高层建筑标准模型(CAARC) 风压分布 整体风力 粒子图像测速技术(PIV) 旋涡 风振响应 commonwealth advisory aeronautical research council(CAARC) wind pressure distribution total force particle image velocimetry(PIV) vortex wind-induced response
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