
长江经济带稻田耕作制度绿色发展探讨 被引量:18

Green development of paddy field farming systems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
摘要 实施长江经济带发展战略,推动长江经济带绿色发展、高质量发展、可持续发展,是当前我国正在实施的区域协调发展战略之一。稻田耕作制度是长江经济带整个农业耕作制度的重要组成部分。实现长江经济带稻田耕作制度绿色发展,对于维护长江经济带乃至全国的粮食安全、食品安全和生态安全均具有重要意义。长江经济带稻田耕作制度具有起源的古老性、模式的多样性、结构的复杂性、功能的高效性和影响的国际性的显著特点。当前,长江经济带稻田耕作制度发展面临着熟制缩减、投入过量、资源浪费、养地削弱、基础脆弱和效益下降等突出问题与挑战。为实现长江经济带稻田耕作制度的绿色发展,应在遵循―共抓大保护、不搞大开发‖―生态优先、绿色发展‖原则的前提下,采取如下对策与措施:1)绿色覆盖,做到稻田―一年四季,季季皆绿‖;2)绿色培肥,充分利用绿肥、农家肥、沼液、沼渣,以及生物肥料、专用肥料等培肥稻田土壤,提高稻田地力;3)绿色防控,应用农业防治技术(如实行作物轮作换茬)、生物防治技术、生态调控技术和理化诱控技术等防治稻田作物病、虫、草、鼠、鸟害;4)绿色修复,采用轮作休耕、深耕深松、保护性耕作、秸秆还田、增施有机肥、施用修复剂、种植绿肥和修复植物等多种措施,对已―退化稻田‖―污染土壤‖进行修复;5)绿色利用,包括对稻田农业资源及废弃物的立体利用、综合利用和循环利用;6)绿色产品,将长江经济带稻田―打造‖成为无公害农产品、绿色农产品、有机农产品的生产基地。 Currently,implementing the development strategy of Yangtze River Economic Belt and promoting green,high-quality and sustainable development of Yangtze River Economic Belt is one of China’s regional coordinated d evelopment strategy.The rice field farming systems is an important part of the whole agricultural farming systems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.Realizing the green development of rice field farming systems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is of great significance for maintaining food security,food safety and ecological security in the Yangtze River Economic Belt and even the whole country.The rice field farming systems have remarkable characteristics such as ancient origin,diversity of patterns,complex structure,the efficiency of function and the international influence.At present,the development of rice field farming systems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt are faced with outstanding problems and challenges such as reduction of maturity,excessive investment,waste of resources,weakening of land,weak foundation and decreased efficiency.In order to realize green development of rice field farming systems,the following countermeasures and measures should be taken on the premise of following the principle of―common protection,no large scale development‖,―ecological priority and green development‖:1)Green coverage,―all year round,seasonal green‖rice fields;2)Green fertilizer,make full use of green manure,farm fertilizer,biogas,marsh residue,as well as bio-fertilizer,special fertilizer and other fertilizer soil,improve the soil fertility of rice fields;3)Green prevention and control,the application of agricultural control technology(such as the implement ation of crop rotation),biological control technology,ecological control technology and physical and chemical booby-trapped technology to prevent and control rice plant diseases,insects,grasses,rats,and birds;4)Green repair,restoration of―degraded rice fields‖and―polluted soil‖by means of rotational fallow,deep-till deep pine,conservation farming,straw return to the fields,increased application of organic fertilizer,application of repair agents,planting of green manure and restoration of plants;5)Green utilization,including three-dimensional utilization,comprehensive utilization and recycling of agricultural resources and wastes in paddy fields;6)Green products,construct paddy fields of Yangtze River economy to become production base with pollution-free,green and organic agricultural products.
作者 黄国勤 HUANG Guoqin(Research Center of Ecological Sciences at Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China)
出处 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期1-7,共7页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 国家重点研収计划课题(2016YFD0300208) 国家自然科学基金项目(41661070) 中国工程院咨询研究项目(2017-XY-28) 江西省重点研収计划项目(20161BBF60058) 江西省软科学研究计划项目(20133BBA10005)资助~~
关键词 耕作制度 稻田 绿色发展 高质量发展 可持续发展 生态环境保护 资源利用 长江经济带 Farming systems Rice fields Green development High-quality development Sustainable development Ecological environment protection Resource utilization Yangtze River Economic Belt
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