
肩部振荡杆的功能和应用综述 被引量:2

Review of the Function and Application of Shoulder Oscillating Rod
摘要 肩部振荡杆是一种手持功能训练器械。随着近年来身体功能训练渐渐被重视,康复中人体结构功能的整体观不断被强调,肩部振荡杆这一新兴训练器械也逐渐进入大众视野为众多学者所研究。本文通过系统地梳理分析肩部振荡杆训练所具有的功能锻炼作用和部分作用机制,将其归纳为提高肌肉募集程度刺激深层肌肉、锻炼核心稳定促进运动链的整合、强化本体感觉提升运动控制三个方面,并列述了其在运动训练和康复领域的具体应用。未来的研究前景在于结合计算机仿真和运动学动力学分析进行研究,以及制定在某些运动项目和疾病康复中的使用指南。 Shoulder oscillating rod is a kind of hand-held functional training equipment. As functional training gains more and more attention along with the emphasis of regional interdependence in rehabilitation, shoulder oscillating rod, a new training instrument, has gradually entered the public view and been studied by many scholars. This review systematically analyzes the function of shoulder oscillating rod and illustrates its application in sports training and rehabilitation. Function of shoulder oscillating rod was summarized into three aspects: increase muscle recruitment and activate deep muscles, enhance core stability to promote the integration of the kinematic chain, improve proprioception ascending motion control. Future research prospects lie in the combination of computer simulation or kinematics and dynamics analysis, as well as the development of guidelines for the use of shoulder oscillating rod in certain sports and disease rehabilitation.
作者 杨洲 臧广悦 YANG Zhou;ZANG Guangyue(School of Kinesiology,Shenyang Sport University,Shenyang Liaoning,110102,China)
出处 《四川体育科学》 2020年第1期41-47,60,共8页 Sichuan Sports Science
关键词 肩部振荡杆 桨叶振荡棒 飞力仕棒 功能训练 康复 Shoulder oscillating rod Bodyblade Flexi-bar Functional training Rehabilitation
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