
利拉鲁肽对2型糖尿病合并脂肪肝脂代谢相关基因的影响 被引量:4

Effect of liraglutide on lipid metabolism related genes in patients with type 2 diabetes complicated with fatty liver
摘要 目的:探讨胰高血糖素样肽-1类似物利拉鲁肽缓解糖尿病合并脂肪肝小鼠肝脂肪性变的机制.方法:选取8周龄SD小鼠30只根据性别、体重,随机分为普食组10只、高脂饮食组和利拉鲁肽组各9只.利拉鲁肽组给予利拉鲁肽;普食组和高脂组给予生理盐水注射参照.RT-PCR检测SD小鼠肝组织脂代谢相关基因肝脏乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACC-α)、脂肪酸合酶(FAS)mRNA的表达.结果:普食组未见肝脂肪性变,高脂饮食组SD小鼠肝脂肪性变较利拉鲁肽组严重.高脂饮食组肝脏脂代谢相关基因ACC-α、FASmRNA表达较普通饮食组明显增加,利拉鲁肽组中ACC-α、FASmRNA表达较高脂组减少.结论:利拉鲁肽能通过降低肝脏脂代谢相关基因ACC-α、FAS的表达减少脂肪的合成. Objective:To investigate the mechanism of glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue liraglutide in relieving hepatic steatosis in diabetic mice with fatty liver.Methods:308-week-old SD mice were randomly divided into the general diet group(10 mice),the high fat diet group(9 mice)and the lilalutide group(9 mice).The liraglutide group was given liraglutide,the general diet group and the high fat group were given saline injection as reference.Using RT-PCR to detect the expression of hepatic acetyl-CoA carboxylase(ACC-α)and fatty acid synthase(FAS)mRNA in lipid metabolism-related genes.Results:There was no hepatic steatosis in the general diet group,and the steatosis of SD mice in the high fat diet group was more serious than that in the lilalutide group.The expression of ACC-αand FAS mRNA in liver lipid metabolism was significantly increased in the high fat diet group compared with the normal diet group.The expression of ACC-αand FAS mRNA in the liraglutide group was decreased.Conclusion:Liraglutide can reduce fat synthesis by reducing the expression of ACC-αand FAS related genes in liver lipid metabolism.
作者 周洪 胡钧 廖斌 Zhou Hong;Hu Jun;Liao Bin(Hunan Provincial People's Hospital,Hunan Changsha 410000)
机构地区 湖南省人民医院
出处 《中国社区医师》 2019年第35期3-4,共2页 Chinese Community Doctors
基金 项目名称利拉鲁肽对2型糖尿病合并脂肪肝脂代谢相关基因的影响 项目编号:C2015-36~~
关键词 利拉鲁肽 糖尿病小鼠 脂代谢相关基因 Lilalutide Diabetic mice Lipid metabolism related genes
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