
将红船精神融入中学思想政治教育研究 被引量:1

A Study on Integrating Red Boat Spirit into Middle School Ideological and Political Education
摘要 以红船精神启航新时代,既是对党的历史起点的深情回顾,更是对新时代的豪情展望。大力继承和弘扬红船精神,将其融入中学思想政治教育,对于促进中学思想政治教育,充分发挥其育人功能具有重要的现实意义。"要把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程,开创我国中等教育事业发展新局面",訛譹就要利用发挥好思想政治教育主渠道的作用。要有针对性地将红色文化中的宝贵精神融入中学思想政治教育中,使中学生不忘本、不变质,在思想和政治上都合格,这是关乎国家前途命运的大事。本文从阐述红船精神的概念和内涵入手,分析了红船精神在中学思想政治教育中发挥的作用,在此基础上对如何将红船精神融入中学思想政治教育问题提出几点建议,探讨将红船精神最大限度地融入中学思想政治教育的途径,以期推动中学思想政治教育实践的进一步完善。 Sailing the new era with the red boat spirit is not only a deep review of the historical starting point of the Party, but also a heroic prospect of the new era.Vigorously inheriting and carrying forward the "Red Boat Spirit" and integrating it into the ideological and political education in middle schools have important practical significance for promoting ideological and political education and giving full play to its educational function.Ideological and political work should be run through the whole process of education and teaching to create a new situation for the development of secondary education in China.We should make use of the role of the main channel of ideological and political education.It is necessary to integrate the valuable spiritual education in red culture into the ideological and political education in middle schools, so that they will not forget their roots, do not deteriorate, and be ideological and political. This is a matter of great concern to the future and destiny of the country.Starting with the concept and connotation of the Red Boat Spirit, this paper analyzes the role of the Red Boat Spirit in the ideological and political education of the middle school, and on this basis puts forward some suggestions on how to integrate the Red Boat Spirit into the ideological and political Education of the Middle School.This paper probes into the ways to integrate the Red Boat Spirit into the ideological and political education of middle schools to promote the further improvement of the theory and practice of ideological and political education in middle.
作者 王嘉宇 WANG Jia-yu(School of Marxism,Chifeng College,Chifeng 024000,China)
出处 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第12期163-167,共5页 Journal of Chifeng University:Philosophy and Social Science Chinese Edition
关键词 红船精神 红色文化 中学思想政治教育 渠道 The Red Boat Spirit The Red Culture Middle School Ideological and Political Education Main Channel Schools
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