As Modi’s administrative goal, plan of action as well as India’s strategy for rising as a major power, the vision of "New India" attaches great importance on achieving economic growth, improving people’s living standards and developing manufacturing industry. Therefore, by strengthening the Indian government internally and promoting great power diplomacy of "India First" externally, the vision has not only granted the Modi Administration with domestic support, encouraged its economic growth and improved India’s international status. However, currently India is also facing the impacts of multiple negative trends including slower economic growth and the rising of religionism and nationalism and so on. Most significantly, India is constrained by its own national condition, namely the contradiction between accelerating openness and safeguarding vulnerable groups of its people. With the strategic goal of constructing a closer SinoIndia development partnership being determined, the following main task for enhancing Sino-Indian relations is to follow strategies of the two leaders by conducting experiences exchanges on governance and strengthening the synergy between bilateral development strategies. China and India shall work hand in hand to jointly lead the reform on the global economic governance system, promote exchanges on security and cultures, making "the Dance of Dragon and Elephant" the ‘sole’ option for Sino-India relations.
Rong Ying;Zhang Lei
International Studies