
面向工艺重用的工艺知识图谱构建方法 被引量:17

Process Knowledge Graph Construction Method for Process Reuse
摘要 针对复杂、多样的工艺知识难以统一表示所导致的工艺知识重用和共享困难等问题,提出了一种面向工艺重用的工艺知识图谱构建方法。该方法首先依据国际工业标准step-NC建立工艺知识图谱的基本模式层,以保证工艺知识数据模式的准确性和通用性;其次通过工艺知识解析和工艺知识合并,完善工艺知识图谱基本模式层,形成工艺知识图谱扩展模式层;同时采用SWRL语言对已有经验规则进行统一表征,完成工艺知识图谱模式层的构建。然后,在工艺知识图谱模式层的引导下,引入潜在语义分析技术,对加工工艺实例知识进行分析并计算工艺实例之间的相似性,将工艺实例知识转化为结构化工艺知识图谱的形式表示,实现工艺知识图谱模式层的实例化,以得到工艺知识图谱数据层。最后,开发了工艺知识图谱构建和应用平台,以验证所提方法的可行性。 Aiming at the problems of process knowledge reuse and sharing led by the difficulty of unified representation of complex and diverse process knowledge,a process knowledge graph construction method for process reuse is proposed.Firstly,to ensure the accuracy and universality of data schema for process knowledge,the basic schema of process knowledge graph is constructed based on step-nc.Secondly,to improve process knowledge graph basic schema,the process knowledge graph extensive schema is established through process knowledge analysis and process knowledge combination.Meanwhile,to construct the process knowledge graph schema,the existing rules of experience are represented by SWRL language.Moreover,to instantiate the process knowledge graph schema,the process cases are analyzed under the guidance of process knowledge graph schema and the similarity between process cases is computed by latent semantic analysis technology.And then,process cases are transformed into the structured process knowledge graph representation,and process knowledge graph data is obtained.Finally,the process knowledge graph construction application platform is developed to verify the feasibility of the proposed method.
作者 李秀玲 张树生 黄瑞 黄波 王思佳 LI Xiuling;ZHANG Shusheng;HUANG Rui;HUANG Bo;WANG Sijia(The Key Laboratory of Contempoirany Designing and Integrated Manafacturing Technology,Ministry of Electration,Northwestern Polytechal University,Xi′an 710072,China;Zhengzhou Railuay Vocational & Technical College, Zhengzhou 450052, China;College of IOT Engineering, Hehai University, Changzhou 213022, China)
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1174-1183,共10页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
基金 国家自然科学基金(51875474,51605142)资助
关键词 工艺知识图谱 知识表示 经验规则知识 工艺实例 process knowledge graph knowledge representation rules of experience process cases
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