
班氏跳小蜂对新寄主资源的寄生适合度 被引量:1

Fitness of Aenasius bambawalei (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) on a new host species
摘要 【目的】班氏跳小蜂Aenasius bambawalei是扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的伴迁性天敌,迄今已知该寄生蜂只能寄生扶桑绵粉蚧,但是我们发现该寄生蜂还能成功寄生另一种外来有害生物——石蒜绵粉蚧P.solani。本研究旨在明确班氏跳小蜂对该新寄主资源的寄生适合度,为今后充分开发、利用该寄生蜂提供科学依据。【方法】在实验室条件下,以马铃薯Solanum tuberosum块茎作为粉蚧的寄主植物,测定了班氏跳小蜂对不同龄期石蒜绵粉蚧的寄生适合度,并在非选择条件下测定了上述两种寄主上僵蚧形成时间以及该寄生蜂羽化时间、寿命、后足胫节长度、寄生率、羽化率及子代性比。【结果】班氏跳小蜂可寄生石蒜绵粉蚧的雌成虫及2龄和3龄若虫,但只有寄生雌成虫才能正常羽化出蜂。分别以石蒜绵粉蚧与扶桑绵粉蚧为寄主时,最适合的蜂蚧比分别为2∶15和2∶20。不同寄主对僵蚧形成时间及班氏跳小蜂的羽化时间无显著影响,但显著影响班氏跳小蜂的寿命以及雌蜂后足胫节长度,尤其是扶桑绵粉蚧上羽化的寄生蜂的寿命比以石蒜绵粉蚧上的长约20 d。而且,班氏跳小蜂对扶桑绵粉蚧的寄生率(54.0%)显著高于对石蒜绵粉蚧的(25.3%),但班氏跳小蜂在这两种寄主上的羽化率均在90%以上,差异不显著;寄生扶桑绵粉蚧的雌蜂比例高于寄生石蒜绵粉蚧的雌蜂比例。【结论】班氏跳小蜂能寄生石蒜绵粉蚧,且只在雌成虫上完成世代发育;与在更适寄主扶桑绵粉蚧上比较,石蒜绵粉蚧上羽化的班氏跳小蜂在寿命及雌蜂个体大小上有劣势。 【Aim】Aenasius bambawalei(Hymenoptera:Encyrtidae)is an accompanying parasitoid of the invasive mealybug,Phenacoccus solenopsis(Homoptera:Pseudococcidae),and it was known that this parasitic wasp only parasitizes the mealybug.However,we newly discovered that A.bambawalei can parasitize another alien invasive mealybug,P.solani(Homoptera:Pseudococcidae),in China.This study aims to determine the fitness of A.bambawalei on the new host species,so as to provide a scientific basis for the full development and utilization of the parasitoid in the future.【Methods】The fitness of A.bambawalei on P.solani of different developmental stages with potato as the host plant was determined in the laboratory,and the formation time of mummies,emergence time,longevity,hind tibia length,parasitism rate,emergence rate and offspring sex ratio of A.bambawalei adults on the above two host species under non-selective conditions were also investigated.【Results】A.bambawalei parasitized the female adults and the 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs of P.solani,but only emerged from the parasitized female adults.The most appropriate parasitiod-host ratios were 2∶15 and 2∶20 with P.solenopsis and P.solani used as the hosts of A.bambawalei,respectively.Host species showed no significant influence on the formation time of mummies and the emergence time of A.bambawalei,but significantly influenced the longevity of A.bambawalei.The longevity of A.bambawalei adults emerged from P.solenopsis was ca.20 d longer than that emerged from P.solani.Moreover,the parasitism rate of A.bambawalei on P.solenopsis was higher than that on P.solani(54.0%vs.25.3%),but the emergence rates of A.bambawalei on the two hosts showed no significant difference(both over 90%).The proportion of female wasps emerged from P.solenopsis was higher than the proportion of female wasps emerged from P.solani.【Conclusion】A.bambawalei can parasitize female adults and the 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs of P.solani,but only completes generation development on its female adults.A.bambawalei on P.solani shows a disadvantage in the longevity and individual female size compared with that on the more suitable host P.solenopsis.
作者 黄俊 智伏英 吕要斌 HUANG Jun;ZHI Fu-Ying;LU Yao-Bin(State Key Laboratory for Quality and Safety of Agro-products, Institute of Plant Protection and Microbiology, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, China;College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321004, China)
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期1427-1434,共8页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31772234,31801801)
关键词 班氏跳小蜂 扶桑绵粉蚧 石蒜绵粉蚧 寄主适合性 外来有害生物 生物防治 Aenasius bambawalei Phenacoccus solenopsis Phenacoccus solani host suitability alien invasive species biological control
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