
地缘政治、历史记忆与有关朝鲜半岛的想象 被引量:2

Geopolitics,Historical Memory,and the Imagination of the Korean Peninsula
摘要 东北亚地区的国际关系具有某些突出特点,其中之一就是朝鲜半岛总是在东北亚地区国际关系中占据极为突出的地位。至少从近代以来,朝鲜半岛常被认为是东北亚地区国际关系最重要(或中心)的舞台和大国纷争的场所。这是一种有关朝鲜半岛在东北亚地区国际关系中的地位之想象,它在一定程度上影响了朝鲜半岛国家、朝鲜半岛周边大国以及域外大国的对外政策和东北亚地区国际关系的发展,造成“朝鲜半岛困境”。地缘政治和历史记忆这两个相互关联的因素可能是导致此种想象的主要原因,尽管并不是仅有的两个原因。科学技术的发展无疑会挑战此种想象,但是观念的变化往往很慢而且很难。走出“朝鲜半岛困境”的途径或许就是相关国家改变有关朝鲜半岛的想象。未来有可能形成一种新的、克服地缘政治和历史记忆影响的有关朝鲜半岛在东北亚地区国际关系中的地位之想象。 Northeast Asian international relations is quite unique in some aspects.One of the unique aspects is the preeminence of the Korean Peninsula in this region.The Korean Peninsula has been regarded as the center stage of regional international relations and a place for great-powers competitions in Northeast Asia.It is the imagination of the Korean Peninsula s position in international relations in Northeast Asia which,to some extent,has influenced the foreign policy choice of the countries of the Korean Peninsula,the countries around the Korean Peninsula,and the United States,and led to the dilemma of Korean Peninsula.Geopolitics and historical memory,as two interrelated factors,may be the main causes of this imagination,although they are not the only two reasons.The development of science and technology will undoubtedly challenge this kind of imagination,but an ideational change is often very slow and difficult.The way out of the Korean Peninsula s dilemma may be for the countries concerned to change the imaginations about the Korean peninsula.It is possible to form a new vision of the Korean Peninsula s position in international relations in Northeast Asia by overcoming geopolitical and historical memory influences in the future.
作者 张小明 Zhang Xiaoming(School of International Studies,Peking University)
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期4-20,155,共18页 World Economics and Politics
关键词 地缘政治 历史记忆 朝鲜半岛 东北亚安全 geopolitics historical memory Korean Peninsula Northeast Asia
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