主机厂组合仪表开发过程中,组合仪表的开发往往是开发完成后,装配在实车上才能进行全功能测试,导致测试时间较短,出现问题后更改周期较长。本文讲述一种基于Vector总线开发工具CANoe进行组合仪表功能测试方法,利用该方法能够在组合仪表开发到一某阶段,利用CANoe搭建测试环境,Panel Designer插件设计测试界面,对仪表进行全功能测试,提高仪表测试效率,缩减开发周期和成本。
In OEM IC development process, IC is usually assembled on real cart to a fully functional test after development is completed, lead to a short testing time, and a longer cycle of solving problems. This paper demonstrates a method that based on the Vector bus development tool CANoe Instrument Cluster function test, using this method can test fully function of IC at a certain stage of the development, using test environment built with CANoe, and control design testing interface based on Panel Designer, which can improve test efficiency and reduce development cycle and cost.
ZHANG Zhong-jun(SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co.,Ltd.,Liuzhou 545007,China)
Auto Electric Parts