
福州市平面坐标转换模型估计算法研究 被引量:1

Research on Estimation Algorithm of Plane Coordinate Transformation Model in Fuzhou City
摘要 作为城市测绘基准,平面坐标转换模型和算法的精度是城市测绘基础建设的基本内容。福州市平面坐标转换现有算法采用经典最小二乘(leastsquares,LS)估计准则,估计结果有偏。以现代EIV(Errors-in-variables)模型估计理论为基础,本文对福州市平面坐标转换模型的LS估计结果进行了分析,提出了福州市平面坐标转换模型估计算法的选取方案建议,对城市基础测绘工作具有重要的应用价值。 As the benchmark of urban surveying and mapping,the precision of plane coordinate transformation model and algorithm is the basic content of urban surveying and mapping infrastructure. Existing algorithms of plane coordinate conversion in fuzhou city adopt the classical least squares(LS) estimation criterion and the estimation result is biased. With modern EIV(Errors-in-the variables) model to estimate theory as the foundation,in this paper,the fuzhou plane coordinate transformation model of LS estimation results are analyzed,and puts forward the practical application of fuzhou plane coordinate transformation model estimation algorithm selection scheme Suggestions,to urban basic surveying and mapping work has important application value.
作者 吴建 Wu Jian(Fuzhou Investigation and Surveying Institute,Fuzhou 350108,China)
机构地区 福州市勘测院
出处 《城市勘测》 2019年第6期105-108,共4页 Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
关键词 平面坐标转换 EIV模型 最小二乘估计 整体最小二乘估计 估计偏差 plane coordinate transformation EIV model least squares estimation global least squares estimation estimate the deviation
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