
2010年与2018年广西重点职业病危害因素接触人群分布状况比较 被引量:2

Comparison of the distribution of populations contacted with hazard factors of key occupational diseases in Guangxi in 2010 and 2018
摘要 目的掌握近8年广西重点职业病危害因素接触人群的分布情况。方法按照《全国职业健康状况调查实施方案》和《2017年广西重点职业病监测与职业健康风险评估实施方案》的要求,收集广西安全生产管理局、工信委、疾病预防控制中心上报系统的信息,将2010年与2018年广西所有工商注册,存在重点职业病危害作业场所的生产经营单位列为调查对象,采用规定的方法和表格进行调查。建立调查资料数据库,分别统计广西不同行业、经济类型、生产规模的生产企业中5种重点职业病危害因素接触人数。结果 2010年调查了1 687家生产企业,5种危害因素接触总人数为136 960人;2018年调查了5 416家生产企业,5种危害因素接触总人数为374 935人。与2010年相比,2018年广西5种重点职业病危害因素接触人数均大幅增加,增幅分别为:噪声245%、矽尘63%、煤矽尘127%、苯76%、铅124%,但是这8年前后5种危害因素按接触人数多少排序的趋势没有发生改变,排序均依次为噪声、矽尘、煤矽尘、苯、铅。2018年与2010年相比,制造业接触人数增幅较大的有:噪声285%、煤矽尘181%、铅98%;采矿业接触人数增幅较大的有:煤矽尘162%、噪声140%、铅127%;电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业接触人数增幅较大的为噪声(221%),煤矽尘减少了8.2%。对8年前后5种危害因素的合计接触人数按不同经济类型和生产规模进行比较,国内(含国有、集体、私有)企业接触人数增加了149%,港澳台企业增加了463%,国外企业增加了335%,大型企业增加了85%,中型企业增加了62%,小微型企业增加了551%。结论广西近8年的重点职业病危害因素仍主要是噪声、矽尘、煤矽尘、苯、铅,其中噪声接触人数在各行业均明显增多,矽尘和煤矽尘接触人数增多主要集中在制造业和采矿业,苯和铅接触人数增多主要集中在制造业,国内小微型企业接触人数增多最明显。应根据重点职业病危害因素接触人数分布的变化制定有针对性的控制措施。 Objective To understand the distribution of populations contacted with hazard factors of key occupational disease hazards in Guangxi in the recent 8 years.Methods According to the requirements of"National Occupational Health Survey Implementation Plan"and"2017 Guangxi Key Occupational Disease Surveillance and Occupational Health Risk Assessment Implementation Plan",the information reported by Guangxi Production Safety Administration Bureau,Industry and Information Technology Commission,Center of Disease Control was collected.All the production and management units in Guangxi which had the industrial and commercial registration with workplaces with key occupational hazards in 2010 and in 2018 were listed as the investigation objects.The survey data database was established,and the prescribed methods and forms were used in the investigation.The number of contacts from five key occupational disease hazards in the production enter prises of different industries,economic types,and production scales in Guangxi were statistical analyzed.Results One thousand six hundred and eighty seven production enterprises were investigated in 2010,with a total number of 136 960 people contacted with five key occupational disease hazards;5 416 production enterprises were investigated in 2018,with a total number of 374 935 people contacted with the hazard factors.Compared to 2010,the number of contacted with the key occupational disease hazards in Guangxi increased significantly in 2018.The increased percentages of contact population were 245% in noise,63% in silicon dust,127% in coal silica dust,76% in benzene and 124% in lead.However,the rank of the five hazard factors sorted by the number of contacts had not changed between the two surveys apart 8 years,with the order of noise,silicon dust,coal silicon dust,benzene,and lead.Compared with 8 years ago,in manufacturing industry the major increases in the number of contacts were 285% for noise,181% for coal silicon dust,and 98% for lead;while in mining industry the major increases in the number of contacts were 162% for coal silicon dust,140% for noise,and 127% for lead;in electricity industry the contacts with noise increased 221%,in the heat,gas and water production and supply industries the contacts with coal silica dust decreased 8.2%.Compared the total number of contacts of the five hazard factors between 8 years based on the economic types and production scales,the contacts in domestic industries(including stateowned,collective,private)increased 149%,Hong Kong,Macao,and Taiwan industries increased 463%,foreign industries increased 335%;large-scale industries increased 85%,medium-scale industries increased 62%,and small and micro-scale industries increased 551%.Conclusion In the recent 8 years,the key hazard factors of occupational diseases in Guangxi were still noise,silicon dust,coal silicon dust,benzene and lead,in which the number of noise exposure obviously increased in all industries,the number of silicon dust and coal silicon dust exposure mainly increased in manufacturing industry and mining industry,the number of benzene and lead exposure mainly increased in manufacturing industry,and the contacts increased in domestic small and micro enterprises was the most obvious.Targeted control measures should be developed based on changes in the distribution of contact pupulations in key occupational hazards.
作者 许晓丽 李小萍 黄世文 段平宁 黎海红 聂传丽 XU Xiao-li;LI Xiao-ping;HUANG Shi-wen;DUAN Ping-ning;LI Hai-hong;NIE Chuan-li(Guangxi Institute of Occupational Disease Prevention and Control,Nanning,Guangxi 53002,China)
出处 《应用预防医学》 2019年第6期445-448,453,共5页 Applied Preventive Medicine
基金 广西安全生产科技项目(2016005)
关键词 职业病危害因素 噪声 粉尘 occupational hazard factors noise dust benzene lead
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