
动态储量分析技术在断块水侵油藏挖潜中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Dynamic Reserve Analysis in the Recovery of Fault-Block Water Invasion Reservoir
摘要 针对南海西部断块水侵油藏存在动态储量认识不清、挖潜风险大的问题,建立了一种以生产数据分析为基础的水侵油藏水侵量和动态储量计算模型。通过对压降双对数曲线、Blasingame特征曲线分析及长期生产数据拟合获得储层和水体参数,求得平均地层压力变化曲线、单井动态储量和控制范围内水侵量,避免了关井测试地层压力和利用地层水参数计算水侵量的复杂过程。利用该方法计算南海西部W油田L井组的动态储量并提出调整井方案,调整井实施后,探明储量达到129×10^4m ^3,与方法计算储量的吻合率为88%,验证了方法的可靠性。该研究成果对断块水侵油藏单井水侵量和动态储量计算具有指导意义。 In order to clarify the dynamic reserve and reduce the recovery risk of the fault-block water-invasion oil reservoir in the western South China Sea,a calculation model for water influx rate and dynamic reserve of water invasion oil reservoir was established on the basis of production history analysis.The double-log pressure drop curve,Blasingame characteristic curve and long-term production history matching were adopted to obtain the reservoir and aquifer properties,average formation pressure curve,single-well dynamic reserve and the water influx rate within the drainage area,which avoids the complicated processes such as formation pressure test with shut-in and water influx rate calculation with formation water properties.This model is applied to calculate the dynamic reservoir of L wellgroup in W oilfield in the western South China Sea and propose a well adjustment program.The proved reserve reaches 129×10^4 m^3 after adjustment,and the corresponding agreement rate with the calculated reserve is up to 88%,which verified its reliability.This research could provide certain guidance for the calculation of single-well water influx rate and dynamic reserve in the fault-block water invasion oil reservoirs.
作者 何志辉 李树松 张风波 张骞 李标 He Zhihui;Li Shusong;Zhang Fengbo;Zhang Qian;Li Biao(CNOOC(China)Zhanjiang Branch,Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524057,China)
出处 《特种油气藏》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期98-102,共5页 Special Oil & Gas Reservoirs
基金 中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司联合攻关项目“水驱油藏储层参数时变机理与表征方法研究”(YXKY-2017-ZJ-01)
关键词 动态储量 水侵 断块水侵油藏 数学模型 南海 dynamic reserve water invasion fault-block water invasion reservoir mathematical model South China Sea
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