
以等级考试为导向的英文歌曲数据库和APP研究与探索 被引量:3

Study and exploration of establishing test-oriented English song database and developing its App
摘要 以英文等级考试的核心词汇为基础单位和关键词,通过数据搜索找出包含这些词汇的英文歌曲,由此建立以等级考试为导向的英文歌曲数据库并开发相应的APP。创新之处体现在以下2点:(1)此APP具有极大的现实作用,填补了现有的手机应用市场的空缺,因为现有的大部分英语过级学习软件是以背单词软件为主,并未注重学生的综合交际能力的培养;(2)具有一定的社会效益和商业价值,此APP是针对提高非英语专业学生过四、六级的能力而设计的,但也可广为推之,适用于各种语言等级考试,如英语专业的专业四、八级考试,出国的雅思、托福考试以及其他外语的等级考试。总而言之,以等级考试为导向的英文歌曲数据库的建立和APP的开发具有实际的使用价值,其既符合二语习得的科学规律,又能填补应用市场的空白,能带来良好的社会效益和商业价值。 This paper proposes to use the core vocabulary of English grade test as the basic unit and keywords and find English songs containing these vocabularies through data search, so as to establish the test-oriented English song database and develop the corresponding APP. The contributions of the paper contains the following two points:(1)This APP has great practical effect and fills the English learning gap in the existing mobile phone application market, because most of the existing Apps about English learning focus on memorizing vocabulary and do not pay attention to the cultivation of students’ comprehensive communicative competence.(2)It has social benefit and commercial value. Our main research object is to improve the ability of students without English major to pass the Band 4 and 6 College English Test. However, it is widely used for various language level examinations, such as Band 4 and 8 English Test for students with English major, IELTS, TOEFL, and other foreign language examinations. All in all, the establishment of the test-oriented English song database and the development of its corresponding APP have practical value. Its existence not only conforms to the scientific law of second language acquisition, but also fills the blank of the application market, and can bring good social benefit and commercial value.
作者 李晓婷 LI Xiao-ting(School of Foreign Language,Neusoft Institute Guangdong,Foshan 528225,China)
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第S01期63-66,共4页 Computer Engineering & Science
关键词 英文等级考试 歌曲数据库 APP English grade test English song database APP
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