
王艮对王阳明心学的独特贡献——兼及若干相关问题 被引量:1

Wang Gen’s Unique Contribution to Wang Yangming’s Mind Theory——Concurrently Discussion on Some Related Problems
摘要 信奉阳明心学而感叹知之者甚少,于是身着异服,驾一蒲轮,由南而北讲说不倦,宁可遭人嘲讽,亦毫无惧色,此非"以身殉道"之境界?体恤阳明讲学及事务繁杂、劳累,于是设法旦夕陪侍阳明左右,勤勉启蒙学者而毫无怨言,此非"尊师重道"之品质?忧心同门及求学者不能安心切磋交流,于是致力阳明书院的筹建,周旋其中而乐此不疲,此非"学术乃公器"之胸怀?期待阳明之学快速生长于民心,于是四处布道,用心诠释阳明心学宗旨,通俗其内容,此非"以传道为业"之鸿志?惧怕学者自立门户、学术分裂,于是谨述"良知""天理"之同,协调湛、王以共倡圣人之学,此非"以公心辩"之气象?寄望阳明心学后继有人,于是广招弟子,培养学术新秀而不遗余力,创立泰州学派,从而成为阳明心学脉络中不可或缺而又最耀眼一环,此非"以道统自任"之担当?嗟嗟,心斋者,真人也,豪杰也,义人也,大儒也!环顾当世道场,鼓噪喧嚣者有之,多言乱语者有之,浑浑噩噩者有之,趋炎附势者有之,精致利己者有之,辱师废学者亦有之!独不见心斋也。此非谓心斋之于当世有似空谷之足音乎? Believing in Yangming’s mind theory and lamenting that few people know about it,Wang Gen dressed in different clothes,drove a cattail wheel,talked tirelessly from south to north,and preferred to be ridiculed without fear.Is this the realm of"martyrdom by body"?Caring for Yangming having no time to deal with complicated affairs and tiredness because of busy in lectures,Wang Gen managed to accompany Yangming all the time and was diligent in enlightening scholars without any complaint.Is this the quality of"respecting teachers and valuing the Word"?Concerned that scholars can’t communicate with each other in peace,Wang Gen devoted himself to the preparation of Yangming academy,and he was happy to do so.Is this the mind of"paying attention to learning"?Looking forward to the rapid growth of Yangming’s study in the hearts of the people,Wang Gen preached everywhere,interpreted the purpose of Yangming’s study of mind with heart,and popularized its content.Is this the ambition of"imparting knowledge for life business"?Fearing scholars’independence and academic split,he cautiously expounded the similarity between"conscience"(Wang)and"natural law"(Zhan)so as to coordinate their views to advocate the study of sages.Is this the emotion of"people in his heart"?In the hope that there will be successors in Yangming’s mind theory,he recruited more disciples,cultivated new academic talents and spared no effort to establish Taizhou School,which later became an indispensable and most important link in Yangming’s mind theory.Is this the responsibility of"setting an example by his own action"?Wang Gen is a person with pure state of the mind,a real hero,a righteous man and a great Confucian.Around the world,there are those who advocated noisy,those who talked a lot of random words,those who were ignorant,those who followed the trend,those who were selfish,and those who insulted other scholars.But there are few people with pure state of the mind.If he is not a person with pure state of the mind,then is he a person with golden saying?
作者 李承贵 LI Cheng-gui(Department of Philosophy,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,Jiangsu,China)
机构地区 南京大学哲学系
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第6期1-6,共6页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
关键词 王艮 王阳明心学 贡献 Wang Gen Wang Yangming’s mind theory contribution
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