本文研究了木质凸窗(Roshan)对沙特阿拉伯王国吉达老城传统住宅建筑采光性能的影响,旨在探讨在传统建筑中运用传统遮阳元素--木制凸窗的优势。评估建筑物性能的有效方法之一是使用物理模型或计算机模型模拟,因此,本文将利用Autodesk Ecotect软件,模拟吉达的一个虚拟居住空间,然后对其在不同场景下的采光系数进行评估,并将其与当代玻璃窗进行比较。
This paper aims to find the advantages of using the roshan,a traditional Arabic shading device,in contemporary architecture.It investigates the effects of roshan on the performance of day lighting in residential buildings in the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.One of the most efficient methods in evaluating performances of buildings is by using a physical and computer models.Thus,the investigation used in this paper deploys a computer model to conclude the evaluation of daylighting performance in a virtual space where roshan is used with different possible scenarios and comparing its performance to contemporary glass windows.
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