
陶渊明“有志不获骋”句新解 被引量:1

The Other Interpretation of TaoYuanming’s Poem "Wishes were Not Fulfilled"
摘要 陶渊明《杂诗》其二有句云:"日月掷人去,有志不获骋。念此怀悲悽,终晓不能静。"其中"有志不获骋"句人多解为理想壮志不得实现、才华不能施展的苦闷,这种解释恐系误读。"志"的含义较广,并不专指政治抱负。无论从他的诗文作品看,还是从他的从政表现看,中年以后的陶渊明很难说有什么政治抱负。年富力强时期尚且如此,到五十岁老病交加之时,却因为抱负不得实现而通宵不眠,殊不合常情。本句中的"志"不应作政治抱负解,只是一种泛说,句谓心里的愿望无论大小大都已无力实现。"日月"两句写的是一种老年感受,谓时光飞逝,忽臻老境,精力不济,力不从心。作者所以焦虑万端,终晓不静者,盖因意识到来日无多,人生已入最后途程,而非政治抱负未得施展。 As Tao Yuanming said in his Untitled Poem(2nd)"While time flies fast and leaves me behind,wishes were not fulfilled.Filled with sorrow,when I thought of this,remained sad and ill at ease until tomorrow."Most experts interpreted"wishes were not fulfilled"as the annoyance of his unrecognized talent,nevertheless,this could be a considerable misunderstanding.The word"wishes"has wide-range meanings,which does not include the political ambitions only.After Tao's middle age,it seems that Tao had no political ambitions;and this can also be proved by his political performance and attitude.Apparently,Tao was in top shape of his life at that time.However,the situation changed when Tao was in his fifties,he could not sleep because of the unrealized ambitions,which is extremely strange.Thus,the"wishes"here should not be interpreted as the political ambitions but a general concept,which means Tao could not realize his wishes regardless of significance of them.The first sentence describes the feelings,that include the past of time,the oldness of appearance,the weakness of body,of an old man.Hence,Tao's"remained sad and ill at ease"and this should totally attribute to his realizing that there was no more to come,but not the unrealized political ambitions.
作者 归青 GUI Qing(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《云梦学刊》 2020年第1期97-104,共8页 Journal of Yunmeng
关键词 陶渊明 人生思想 《杂诗》 Tao Yuanming thoughts of life Untitled Poems
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