
抗战时期中共发展华中战略的制定与实施 被引量:1

The Formulation and Implementation of the CPC’s Strategy for Developing in Central China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
摘要 发展华中的战略方针经过较长时间的酝酿,在中共六届六中全会上正式形成并予以实施。由于国民党禁止八路军进入华中,发展华中的计划一度被迫搁置。随着抗战形势恶化,中共中央判断华北将面临严重困难,遂重启发展华中计划,并在国民党韩德勤部进攻新四军的情况下,调派八路军主力南下。刘少奇以苏北作为发展华中的主要方向,要求东南局予以配合,但后者坚持将工作重心置于长江以南。中共中央也有发展江南的意图,并根据形势变化,决定将皖南主力东调以集中发展苏南。后由于苏南形势恶化,陈毅决心优先解决华中问题,遂率部北渡长江。黄桥战役胜利后,八路军南下部队与新四军会合,发展华中战略得以实现。 The strategy of developing in central China was officially formulated and took effect at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China after a long period of brewing.Since the Kuomintang prohibited the Eighth Route Army from entering central China,the plan was shelved for the time being.As the situation deteriorated,the Party Central Committee assessed that northern China would face serious difficulties,and accordingly decided to activate the plan for developing in central China.It dispatched the main force of the Eighth Route Army to the south as the Kuomintang troops commanded by Han Deqin attacked the New Fourth Army.Liu Shaoqi,aiming Northern Jiangsu as the main direction for the development plan,asked the Southeast Bureau to collaborate the action,but the latter insisted on placing its focus of work on the south of the Yangtze River.The Party Central Committee also had the intention to develop in south of the Yangtze River.According to the changes in the situation,it decided to transfer the main force in Southern Anhui to Southern Jiangsu.Later,as the situation in southern Jiangsu deteriorated,Chen Yi decided to shift priority to problems in central China,so he led his troops across the Yangtze River to the north.In the wake of the victory in the Huangqiao Campaign,the Eighth Route Army’s South Army and the New Fourth Army joined forces,and thus the Party’s strategy for developing in central China was finally realized.
作者 黄志高 HUAGN Zhigao(School of Marxism,Anhui University,Hefei,Anhui 230031)
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 北大核心 2019年第5期83-91,100,共10页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
基金 安徽省社会科学创新发展研究课题攻关研究项目“地缘战略视阈下鄂豫皖根据地的发展及其地位研究”(2018CX054)成果
关键词 发展华中 八路军 新四军 苏北 皖南 苏南 development in Central China Eighth Route Army New Fourth Army Northern Jiangsu Southern Anhui Southern Jiangsu
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