GF-5 satellite is the world's first full-spectrum hyper-spectral imagery satellite to observe the Earth’s atmosphere and surface.It is important for the classification of land use types.How to use deep learning technology to carry out hyperspectral image classification is a hot issue in current research.Semantic segmentation method in depth learning has been well applied in the image of ground scene,but the accuracy and applicability of hyperspectral remote sensing images are relatively poor,and the accurate classification results are difficult to be obtained.In this paper,the U-net model is used to study the classification of hyperspectral land use types.Firstly,based on the hyperspectral data of GF-5 satellite,the sample data set is constructed,then the classification model is trained,the land use type classification is carried out,and the application ability of semantic segmentation method on hyperspectral data of GF-5 satellite is discussed.The results show that the semantic segmentation method in deep learning can effectively improve the accuracy level.The overall classification accuracy of the U-net model is 0.9357,and the Kappa coefficient is 0.92,which is higher than the SVM method and CNN method.Using the semantic segmentation method in deep learning,it can provide technical support for land use classification of GF-5 satellite hyperspectral data,and effectively improve the application ability of GF-5 satellite.
SUN Xiaomin;ZHENG Lijuan;WU Jun;CHEN Qian;XU Chongbin;MA Yang;CHEN Zhen(Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics&Electricity,Beijing,100094,China;Beijing Aerospace Innovative Intelligence Science and Technology Co.,Ltd,Beijing,100076,China;Beijing Engineering Technology Research Center of Aerial Intelligence Remote Sensing Equipments,Beijing,100094,China;Land Satellite Remote Sensing Application Center,Ministry of Natural Resources of P R China,Beijing,100048,China;State Grid Hubei DC Operation&Mainteance Company,Yichang,443000,China;China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application,Beijing,100094,China)
Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing