
清代内务府审判中的成案适用研究 被引量:2

Studies of the Application of Cases of Trial of the Ministry of Internal Order in the Qing Dynasty
摘要 清代朝廷中关于成案适用的争议与讨论并没有波及内务府,内务府成案适用并未受到限制。内务府审判时倾向先查找以前有无成案,如果有,则适用。适用成案的方式有多种,或仅依成案判决,或将成案与律例结合,综合考量进行判决。成案的适用与有无律例专条没有必然联系,有律例专条时,也会适用成案,存在以成案排除律例适用的情况。成案适用的关键环节是类比,承审官对此享有较大的自由裁量权。与刑部适用成案相比,外界关注低,更多地考虑是否有效地维护了皇帝利益。成案的形成因素相对多元,是律例、皇帝意见、承审官直觉等多种因素综合而成,一旦成案形成后,便产生了独立性,可以直接为后来案件所援引,并在司法实践中改造律例。内务府审判适用成案与注重各案的实体正义有关,与加重刑罚的倾向有关。适用成案也反映了清代政务处理的传统。 The controversy and discussion about case application in the royal court in the Qing Dynasty did not affect the Ministry of the Internet Order,which has not been restricted in the case application.There is an inclination to seek whether there existed judicial precedents or not in the trial of the Ming of Internal Order in the Qing Dynasty.If there was a judicial precedent,it would be applied.And there were multiple ways of case applications,such as judging based solely on the completion of a case,judging based on the combination of laws and regulations.There was no inevitable connection between case application and law regulations.Even though there was relevant law,cases would be also applied.Analogy is a key link of the case application in which the judge owned great discretion on it.Compared with the Ministry punishment,there was low external attention to the case application in the trial of the Ministry of Internet Order,which took effectively safeguarding the interests of the Emperor into consideration.A case s forming factors were multivariate,including law,emperors views,and judge s intuition and so on.However,it would be independent when a case came into being.Namely,the case could be independently cited in later cases,and it could gradually reform regulations in the judicial practice.Appling cases in the trial of the Ministry of Internet Order is related to emphasizing substantive justice in cases,which embodies characteristics of ignoring charge and valuing penalty.A chosen case tends to bring more severe punishment than a law or regulation.Applying cases in the trial also reflects the tradition of administrative processing in the Qing Dynasty.
作者 张剑虹 ZHANG Jianhong
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期117-129,共13页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 清代 内务府审判 成案 适用 the Qing Dynasty Trial of the Ministry of Internal Order case application
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