
内河LNG动力船机舱NG泄漏爆炸对人员的损伤后果 被引量:3

Possible Casualties of NG Explosion in Engine Room on LNG Fueled Inland River Ship
摘要 为评估液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas,LNG)动力船机舱内气体燃料泄漏和气云爆炸后果和对机舱内人员的损伤程度,对三维计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)工具Fluidyn的可靠性进行验证,建立典型内河LNG动力船机舱模型,通过数值模拟研究不同情境下机舱内气体燃料泄漏事故和爆炸事故后果,结合相关损伤准则研究事故后果对机舱内人员的损伤程度。研究结果表明:小流量持续泄漏情境下,机舱内局部小空间内形成可燃爆气云,燃料最大积聚量小于1 kg,气云爆炸后果对机舱内人员无损害风险;大流量泄漏情境下机舱内可燃气云体积迅速增加,泄漏持续30 s和60 s时,燃料积聚量可分别超过3 kg和5 kg,气云爆炸可导致机舱内人员损伤程度为重伤或死亡。 The consequence of LNG(Liquefied Natural Gas)leakage and explosion is studied in terms of casualties with a model of typical engine room on LNG fueled inland river ship.Simulations are carried out for different scenarios by means of CFD software Fluidyn.The results show that continuous small flow rate leakages would produce small flammable gas cloud in a limited area with the methane accumulations of less than 1 kg,and the consequent explosions presenting no injury risk to the staff in the engine room.While for big flow rate leaking,the volume of the flammable cloud would increase rapidly and the accumulation would be over 3 kg and 5 kg in 30 s and 60 s respectively which can result in severe explosions and casualties in the engine room.
作者 郑庆功 吴宛青 宋明 ZHENG Qinggong;WU Wanqing;SONG Ming(Marine Engineering College,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China;Information and Technology Division,Maritime Safety Administration of the People’s Republic of China,Ministry of Transport,Beijing 100736,China)
出处 《中国航海》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期51-58,共8页 Navigation of China
关键词 LNG动力船 机舱 气云爆炸 数值模拟 人员损伤 LNG fueled ship engine room gas cloud explosion numerical simulation casualty
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