表现主义和现代主义大师卡夫卡所代表的“荒诞性”是通过具象的写作手法表现第一次世界大战后西方社会虚无幻灭、情志涣散的生存处境的。2015年德语文学领域最重要的文学奖之一的英格博格·巴赫曼文学奖获得者德国80后作家诺拉·龚姆林格(Nora Gomringer)的多部作品也出现了“荒诞”特征,与卡夫卡的创作手法不谋而合。“荒诞性”成为不同年代的两位作家的共性。虽然两位作家都以“荒诞性”来表现迷茫,但卡夫卡以旁观者的态度对待迷茫,而诺拉·龚姆林格则展现出掌控自我命运的强者形象。究其原因,作家所处的时代背景、成长环境和家庭氛围等因素影响了他们对世界、人生和社会的看法。
The“absurdity”represented by Franz Kafka,the master of expressionism and modernism,expressed the western society’s living situation of disillusionment and will dispersion after the first world war through concrete writing techniques.Nora Gomringer,a German writer who was born in the 1980s and won the Ingerberg Bachmann Literature Prize-one of the most important literature prizes in the field of German literature in 2015,also used“absurdity”in her works,which coincides with kafka’s writing technique.“Absurdity”has become the commonality of the two writers of different ages.Although both writers expressed confusion with“absurdity”,but Kafka treated it with the attitude of an bystander,while Nora Gomringer presented the image of a strong person in control of her own destiny.The reason for the difference lies in the background of their times and the environment in which they grew up and the family atmosphere which also exerted influence on their views of the world,life and society.
Liu Jing(School of Foreign Languages,Guangdong Peizheng College,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510830,China)
Journal of Hubei Engineering University