

Design and Application of Cost-benefit Analysis Model of Single Power user Based on Transmission and Distribution Price Reform
摘要 文章以输配电成本为例,就单一电力用户的成本效益分析数据进行了简要地分析,从而针对基于输配电的单一电力用户成本效益分析模型设计进行了深入地探讨,并结合模型应用实例加以论述。实践证明,这一模型的应用,将有利于精益分析不同用户供电效益,制定良好的供电服务,为投资项目可行性精准判断提供依据。 Taking the cost of transmission and distribution as an example,this paper briefly analyzes the cost-benefit analysis data of a single power user,so as to make an in-depth discussion on the design of the cost-benefit analysis model of a single power user based on transmission and distribution,and discuss it with the application examples of the model.Practice has proved that the application of this model will be conducive to the benefit analysis of different users in lean analysis,formulate a good power supply service,and provide a basis for accurate estimation of investment projects.
作者 刘旭升 Liu Xu-sheng
出处 《电力系统装备》 2019年第24期196-197,共2页 Electric Power System Equipment
关键词 电力用户 数据价值挖掘 模型设计 成本效益分析 power users data value mining model design cost benefit analysis
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