
中国政治现代化的本质与核心目标探析 被引量:2

An Analysis of the Essence and Core Objectives of China’s Political Modernization
摘要 政治现代化是其他一切现代化的上层建筑。中国共产党自成立以来,坚持以人民为主体的政治立场,对"以人为中心"的现代化发展规律了然于胸。在我国社会主义现代化建设中,党始终注重保障人民权利、保证人民当家作主地位,逐步实现政治上的民主化,将人民民主上升到政治现代化的最高层面,并力求通过紧密结合具体国情、坚定党的领导、保持政治稳定、扩大公民政治参与等途径不断扩大人民民主,为我国民主政治现代化发展做出积极努力。 Political modernization is the superstructure of all other modernization. Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has adhered to the political position of taking the people as the main body, and has a clear understanding of the law of human-centered modernization development. In our socialist modernization drive, In China’s socialist modernization drive, the party has always attached great importance to protecting people’s rights, ensuring people’s ownership, gradually realizing political democratization, raising people’s democracy to the highest level of political modernization, and striving to expand people’s democracy by closely combining with specific national conditions, strengthening Party leadership, maintaining political stability, and expanding citizens’ political participation. We will make positive efforts for the modernization of China’s democratic politics.
作者 于丽娜 齐舒瑜 YU Lina;QI Shuyu(Nanjing Normal University,nanjing 21000,China;Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081)
出处 《商丘职业技术学院学报》 2019年第6期5-9,共5页 JOURNAL OF SHANGQIU POLYTECHNIC
基金 2018年度江苏省普通高校科研创新计划项目“中华人民共和国成立初期新制度建构与社会生活变迁”(KYCX18_1241) 2018年度南京师范大学优秀博士学位论文选题资助计划“中华人民共和国成立初期新制度建构与社会生活变迁”(KYCX18_1006)
关键词 政治现代化 人的现代化 人民民主 political modernization human modernization people’s democracy
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