跌倒是威胁老年人健康最危险的意外事故之一,身体平衡能力与跌倒有极大关系。目前对老人身体平衡能力的研究集中于身体素质的粗略评估或人体关键部位加速度信息的瞬时变化,针对其难以准确对平衡能力进行评判的不足,提出一种基于HBKPSP(Human Body Key Parts’Spatial Position)的平衡能力测定方法。首先,基于人体42个关键部位的空间位置信息,对66名老年人3秒的行走过程进行了分析,初步提取了25个用于衡量人体平衡能力的特征;然后,研究了25个特征与老年人平衡能力之间的关系,结果表明其中重心与冠状面偏移量,重心与矢状面偏移量,胯部、肩部、臂部等在矢状面内偏移程度等13个特征可以用作衡量老年人身体平衡能力的指标;最后,对13个平衡指标进行降维处理至三维,并对其进行聚类分析,结果表明降维后的平衡指标和聚类方法可以用于明显区别平衡能力较好和平衡能力较差的两类老年人。最后一句属自我评价,作者同意删本文的研究内容可以为老年人身体平衡能力测定提供参考依据,并为进一步跌倒风险评估提供研究基础。
As one of the most serious accidents for the aged,fall has a great relationship with body balance.At present,most balance ability studies for the aged focus on the roughly evaluation of physical quality or the instantaneous change of acceleration information of some key human body parts,which cannot assess balance accurately.A balance ability measurement method based on HBKPSP(Human Body Key Parts Spatial Position)was proposed to assess the balance ability of the aged.Spatial positions information of 42 key parts and 3-second-walking-process of 66 elderly people were analyzed,and 25 characteristics for measuring the balance ability of human body were extracted.The relationship between the 25 characteristics and body balance was studied.The result shows that 13 key characteristics include the deviation of the center of gravity from coronal plane,the deviation of the center of gravity from the sagittal plane,the deviation of the hip,shoulder,arms,from the sagittal plane,etc.could be the indicators of the aged’s ability to balance.Then,clustering analysis was carried out on the data after the dimensionality reduction of balance indicators from 13 to 3,and two obvious clusters were obtained,which could be used to distinguish the good balance ability from the bad balance ability.
HU Chunsheng;ZHAO Huidong;WANG De(College of Mechanical Engineering,Ningxia University,Yinchuan Ningxia 750001,China;CCTEG Taiyuan Research Institute,Taiyuan Shanxi 030006,China)
journal of Computer Applications