
文化经济学学术史 被引量:4

Academic History of Cultural Economics
摘要 自1966年威廉·鲍莫尔创设"成本病"概念以来,文化经济学开始其独立发展的历程,并在趣味及其形成、文化需求与供给、艺术市场等诸多领域取得不错的实证研究成果,从而构筑了文化经济学学科的基本问题框架。这在一定程度上也为我们直接描述文化经济学学术史提供了可能性,毕竟文化经济学已经有了不少可供研究的"建筑物",而这些"建筑物"也在其自然形成的过程中勾勒出一条清晰的历史脉络。文化经济学的历史可被视为一种"建筑物"与"建筑师"、客体与主体相互交融的"思想活动史":以客体为纲,通过问题的演进描述其历史的线索,即包括历史序幕、根基找寻、领域扩张与体系建构的4大历史阶段;以主体为目,梳理包括凯恩斯、罗宾斯等10位重要文化经济学家,最终通过描述其解决问题的贡献及其思想资源,以期纲举目张,构建一个丰满的文化经济学学术史。 Since William Baumol created the concept of "cost disease" in 1966, cultural economics has begun its independent development process, and has achieved much in many fields such as taste and its formation, cultural demand and supply, and art market, which constructs the basic problem framework of the discipline of cultural economics. To a certain extent, this also provides us with the possibility to directly describe the academic history of cultural economics, for cultural economics has a lot of "establishments" in research, and these "establishments" also sketch out a clear historical context in the process of their natural formation. This thesis regards the history of cultural economics as a kind of "history of ideological activities" in which "establishments" and "architects", "objects" and "subjects" blend with each other: taking the object as the outline, describing its historical clues through the evolution of problems, including 5 different periods such as the prelude of history, the search for foundation, the expansion of fields and the system construction;taking the subject as the objective, combing out 10 important masters, including Keynes and Robbins. Cultural economic history therefore can become fresh and lively by describing these masters’ contributions to solving problems and their ideological resources, so as to outline and eventually build an academic history of cultural economics with richness.
作者 周正兵 ZHOU Zheng-bing(Department of Cultural Industry,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第1期47-60,共14页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 “研究阐释党的十九大精神”国家社科基金专项课题“中国特色现代文化产业体系和市场体系研究”(项目编号:18VSJ080) 国家社科基金项目“国有文化企业社会效益评价考核体系研究”(项目编号:2018BH01229)
关键词 文化经济学 学术史 客体 主体 cultural economics academic history objects subjects
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