

The Legacy of the Three Countries: The Ideology of the Unity of the Heaven and Man and the Culture of Animal Worship of the Ancestors of China, North Korea and South Korea
摘要 《三国遗事》记叙了中朝韩先民的思维轨迹,记载了中朝韩先民万物有灵、天人合一理念与动物崇拜、原始宗教、巫术等神话故事和传说,以及其在当时的重要价值。在神话故事、传说中发掘中朝韩先民天地万物为一体的天人合一思想内涵,揭示动物崇拜现象的历史局限性与社会发展连续性的辩证统一的规律。研究《三国遗事》所体现出的中朝韩先民的信仰现象与思想理念,既是对中朝韩传统文化的传承与发展,也是滋养中朝韩传统文化共同体之根,使其枝叶更加繁茂,果实更加丰硕,惠及当今的中朝韩人民。 The Legacy of the Three Countries describes the thinking track of the ancestors of China, North Korea and South Korea. The book records the concept that "everything has a spirit" and the concepts of the "unity of Heaven and Man", animal worship, primitive religion, witchcraft, myths and legends, as well as their important value in the historical period at that time. This book explores the ideological connotation of the "unity of Heaven and" in the myths and legends of the ancestors of China, North and South Korea, and reveals the historical limitations of animal worship and the law of dialectical unity of the continuity of social development. At present, the belief phenomenon and ideology of the ancestors of China, North Korea and South Korea reflected in the study of The Legacy of the Three Countries is not only the inheritance and development of the traditional culture of China, North and South Korea, but also the root of nourishing the traditional cultural community of China, North Korea and South Korea, making it useful and strong, benefiting the people of China, North Korea and South Korea today.
作者 李官福 穆禹含 LI Guan-fu;MU Yu-han(The College of Korean and Chinese Literature,Yanbian University,Yanji,Jiling Province,133000,China)
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第1期61-68,共8页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“《红楼梦》和四大奇书在东亚的传播”(项目编号:18XZW009)
关键词 《三国遗事》 动物崇拜 天人合一 意识形态 文化共同体 The Legacy of the Three Countries animal worship unity of heaven and man ideology multicultural community
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