
近代学术转型中的子史关系——以国粹派“诸子亦史”说为中心 被引量:2

On the Relationship between Zi and Shi in the Modern Transformation of Scholarship: Based on the Theory of Zhu Zi Yi Shi
摘要 “诸子亦史”说是清末时期国粹派提出的重要创见,是中国传统学术转型的表现形态之一。该说的提出,一方面,基于清代学者章学诚、龚自珍等关于诸子与史关系的思考;另一方面,缘于在晚清经今古文之争的情境中,反思康有为对孔子及诸子的宗教化阐释。章太炎、邓实、刘师培虽对子史关系的论证方式存在差别,但皆主张“诸子亦史”。就其内涵而言,“诸子亦史”说是“六经皆史”说的延伸和深化,是“诸子出于王官论”的另一种表述,是“尊史”意识下的诸子学重构。此后,老辈学人张尔田、孙德谦、江璨皆有类似的学术主张,反映了清末民初诸子学发展中的学术共识。从学术转型的角度来看,“诸子亦史”说扩展了史学的范围,提升了史学的地位;增强了诸子学的社会角色,进一步推动了诸子学的复兴;提供了诸子学的史学化之内生转型路径。 In the classification of scholarly knowledge in traditional China,Zi refers to works by pre-Qin philosophers,and Shi works by historians.Zhu Zi Yi Shi is an important theory proposed by the National Essence School in the late Qing Dynasty,which means,“all works by philosophers are also history.”This theory is one of the manifestations of the transformation of Chinese academic tradition in modem limes.It was,on the one hand,rooted in the discussion on the relationship between Zi and Shi among scholars in the Qing Dynasty such as Zhang Xuecheng and Gong Zizhen.On the other hand,it grew out of the debate between the Jinwen and Guwen Schools of Classics,as reflection upon Kang Youwei’s attempt to reframe Confucius and other ancient Chinese philosophers within the context of religion.Zhang Taiyan,Deng Shi,Liu Shipci had different ways Io justify the theory,but they all agreed on Zhu Zi Yi Shi.In terms of the content,the theory of Zhu Zi Yi Shi is a radicalized version of Liu Jing Jie Shi,which means,“Six Classics are all history”.The latter came from the hypothesis that all ancient philosophers(Zhuzi)originated as scribes in the royal office,and it was a revisionist view on Zhuzi thanks to the growing interest in historiography during the time.Scholars after that,such as Zhang Ertian,Sun Deqian,Jiang Quan,shared this view1,which formed an academic consensus in the development of the studies on Zhuzi in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican period.From the perspective of academic transfonnalion,the theory of Zhu Zi Yi Shi not only expanded the scope of historiography and elevated the status of the history discipline,hut also strengthened the social role ol the studies on Zhuzi.fl furthermore prompted the revival of this traditional discipline and provided an internal path of transformation as a historical turn in scholarly research.
作者 宁腾飞 Ning Tengfei
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期39-50,158,共13页 Historiography Bimonthly
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