

Linguistic Intuition, Word Refining and Weighing: Study of Classical Chinese Poetry from the Perspective of Ontology
摘要 语感、炼字与推敲原本分属于语言学科教学和古代诗学等不同领域,因其各自关联于语言-词语的接受、理解、判断、意义鉴别以及语用训练等丰富的语言运作,借鉴当代西方语言哲学及阐释学理论方法,对此可以展开更多的理论探讨。语感不仅是一种迅速、敏感且直觉地把握语言文字的主体能力,语感的本质更是理解和感受词语/语言对特定世界意义的存在论"召唤"。中国古典诗人对语感的敏锐体察尤其体现在历代不断付诸实践的诗文炼字以及诗意"推敲"等创作活动中。借助于炼字、推敲,古典诗学不但累积了丰富的诗文精品,而且在语言文字的哲学领会与诗性把握,以及对词语抽象本质的感知和中国古典文人的家园性语言体验等深层意识领域,更遥遥呼应了20世纪以来当代西方所盛行的存在论语言哲学思想。 Linguistic intuition and word refining and weighing belong to linguistics and classical Chinese poetry respectively. According to their relations with the language-word acceptance, understanding, judgment, and pragmatic training, more theoretical explorations can be made on the basis of modern western linguistic philosophy. Linguistic intuition is a subjunctive competence which is helpful for one to master a language. Its nature is about one’s feelings and understanding of the callings from the specific meaning of the world. Chinese poets in ancient times showed their linguistic intuition by ways of word refining and weighing when creating poems. In the process of word refining and weighing, a great many classical poems were created, philosophical meanings of poetry were grasped, the abstract nature of words was perceived, and linguistic experiments were conducted. All this echoes the linguistic philosophy from the perspective ontology, which has been popular since the 20th century.
作者 李军 LI Jun
出处 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第1期71-78,141,共9页 Journal of Yanbian University:Social Science Edition
关键词 语感 炼字 推敲 词语 意义 召唤 linguistic intuition word refining word weighing expression significance calling
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