

From Hegel to Marx: a Brief Analysis of the Development of World History Theory
摘要 黑格尔基于以往历史学家对世界历史经验事实资料的整合,着眼人类整体,力求透过客观史料本身探索其中的联系和内在本质,首次提出“世界历史”这一空前深刻的历史观。马克思批判吸收黑格尔世界历史思想的合理成分,却又立足现实、物质的基础,用唯物主义观点解释了在生产力高度发展和人类普遍联系的条件下,历史向“世界历史”转变的原理和发展趋势,提出了科学的“世界历史”理论。深刻理解和把握马克思的世界历史理论,结合经济全球化背景下中国的“一带一路”倡议和新时期习近平总书记提出的构建“人类命运共同体”理念,挖掘马克思世界历史理论的当代价值,为观察和认识当今全球化问题提供了科学的方法论。 Hegel first postulated the view of history of the world based on previous research.Hegel's thought of world history is the direct source of Marx's theory of world history.Marx criticized and absorbed the reasonable elements of Hegel's thought of world history,but based on the realistic and material understanding,based on the content of historical materialism created by Marx.By analyzing the content and structure of Hegel's thought of world history,this paper expounds its philosophical and theoretical value,analyzes its defects from the standpoint of marxist materialism,and explores the generation and evolution of world history in a tracing way,so as to feel the scientific leap of Marx's world history theory more directly and deeply.By comparing Marx and Hegel's exposition on the occurrence and development of world history,and combining with the background of contemporary economic globalization and the concept of"Shared development"in the new period of China,this paper explores the contemporary value of Marx's world history theory and guides the great practice in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
作者 延闪闪 李卫华 YAN Shanshan;LI Weihua(School of International Relations and Public Affairs,Shanghai International Studies University,Shanghai,200083,China)
出处 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第6期30-37,共8页 Journal of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics(Social Science Edition)
基金 2016年度高校示范马克思主义学院和优秀教学科研团队建设项目(16JDSZK016)
关键词 马克思主义 黑格尔 世界历史 历史理论 Marxism Hegel the history of the world history theory
分类号 C [社会学]
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