
大数据专业实验教学与创新驱动型人才培养 被引量:1

Experiment Teaching and Innovation Driven Talents Training of Big Data Specialty
摘要 大数据发展在我国当前处于起步阶段,因此企业对大数据发展的需求一方面是利用创新手段应用大数据技术,另一方面是有效培养满足企业需求的大数据创新驱动型人才。目前对大数据创新驱动型人才的培养的具体措施在各高职院校虽有提及,但是教学资源和实验条件严重匮乏,鉴于此,本文以大数据专业实验教学与创新驱动型人才培养为研究对象,分析当前创新型人才培养的基本要求和实验教学现状,论述了大数据专业实验教学具体项目实训及案例,并提出相应对策,以期为大数据专业实验教学创新驱动型人才培养提供借鉴与参考。 The development of big data is in the initial stage in China,so the demand of enterprises for big data development is on the one hand is to use innovative means to apply big data technology,on the other hand,effectively cultivate big data innovation driven talents to meet the needs of enterprises.At present,although the specific measures for the cultivation of big data innovation driven talents have been mentioned in various vocational colleges,but the teaching resources and experimental conditions are seriously deficient.In view of this,this paper takes the experimental teaching and innovation driven talents training of big data specialty as the research object,analyzes the basic requirements and the current situation of experimental teaching of the current innovative talents training,discusses the specific project training and cases of experimental teaching of big data specialty,and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures,in order to provide reference for the innovation driven talents training of experimental teaching of big data specialty.
作者 郭娟 陈莹 GUO Juan;CHEN Ying(Changjiang Polytechnic Information Construction Office,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《现代信息科技》 2019年第21期174-176,共3页 Modern Information Technology
基金 湖北技能型人才培养研究中心2017年度项目:大数据应用行业技能型人才培养研究”(项目编号:2017JB020) 2017年广西高等教育本科教学改革工程项目:“互联网+”背景下高校计算机开放式教学平台的构建研究(项目编号:2017JGB198)
关键词 大数据技术 大数据专业实验教学 创新驱动型人才 big data technology experimental teaching of big data specialty innovation driven talents
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