

Discussion on Nursing Effect of Health Education and Nursing Intervention on Control of High Potassium in Hemodialysis Patients
摘要 目的针对健康教育护理干预对血液透析患者控制高钾的护理作用进行分析。方法本次选取来本院就医的51例血液透析患者进行研究,分为研究组(n=26)和对照组(n=25),对照组患者给予常规的透析护理措施,研究组在对照组患者的基础上给予健康教育护理干预。对两组患者实施护理干预前及护理后3个月和6个月的血钾水平进行对比。结果在护理后3个月和护理后6个月,研究组患者和对照组患者的血钾水平都有所下降,研究组相较于对照组优势更为显著,P<0.05。结论对血液透析患者来说,实施健康教育护理干预可以有效的改善患者的高钾症状,因此,值得在临床上进行应用。 Objective To analyze the nursing effect of high potassium control in hemodialysis patients against health education and nursing intervention.Methods 51 hemodialysis patients who were selected for medical treatment in our hospital were divided into research groups(n=26 cases)and control groups(n=25 cases).The control group gave routine dialysis care measures.The group gave health education and nursing interventions based on control group patients.The blood potassium levels were compared between the two groups before and after nursing intervention.Results The blood potassium levels of both the group and the control group decreased three months after nursing and six months after nursing.Conclusion For hemodialysis patients,the implementation of health education and nursing intervention can effectively improve the patient′s high potassium symptoms,so it is worth clinical application.
作者 易同萍 章丽 YI Tongping;ZHANG Li(Eastern War Area General Hospital(formerly Bayi Hospital),Nanjing,Jiangsu 210002)
机构地区 东部战区总医院
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2019年第S02期129-130,共2页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 健康教育 护理干预 血液透析 高钾血症 health education nursing interventions hemodialysis hyperkalemia
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