本文研究对象是罗马耶稣会档案馆所藏《1600年利玛窦神父进京报告》(Relazione dell’Entrata del P.Ricci nella Corte di Pachino 1600),未署作者。本文试图证明其作者为利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,1552—1610),虽然它不是利玛窦手迹,而是改编自利玛窦的一封信函。本文首次全文转录、翻译并注释该手稿,评价它对重建利玛窦1600年进京过程的意义。
This paper studies on Relazione dell’Entrata del P.Ricci nella Corte di Pachino 1600,an important document preserved in the ARSI,whose authorship has not been identified.This paper attempts to prove that the author of this document is just Matteo Ricci himself.Although it is not Matteo Ricci’s manuscript,this is an adoption of a letter written by Matteo Ricci.This paper,for the first time,transcribes the manuscript and translates it into Chinese with annotation,then evaluates its significance for a reconstruction of Matteo Ricci’s entry into Beijing in 1600.
International Sinology